PHP code example of voku / arrayy

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download voku/arrayy library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


voku / arrayy example snippets

$arrayy = new A(['Lars' => ['lastname' => 'Moelleken']]);

$arrayy->get('Lars'); // ['lastname' => 'Moelleken']
$arrayy->get('Lars.lastname'); // 'Moelleken'

$arrayy = new A(['Lars' => ['lastname' => 'Moelleken']]);

$arrayy['Lars'];             // ['lastname' => 'Moelleken']
$arrayy['Lars']['lastname']; // 'Moelleken'

$arrayy = new A(['Lars' => ['lastname' => 'Moelleken']]);

$arrayy->Lars; // Arrayy['lastname' => 'Moelleken']
$arrayy->Lars->lastname; // 'Moelleken'

$arrayy = new A(['Lars' => ['lastname' => 'Mueller']]);

$arrayy->set('Lars.lastname', 'Moelleken');
$arrayy->get('Lars.lastname'); // 'Moelleken'

$arrayy = new A(['Lars' => ['lastname' => 'Moelleken']]);

$arrayy['Lars'] = array('lastname' => 'Müller');
$arrayy['Lars']['lastname']; // 'Müller'

$arrayy = new A(['Lars' => ['lastname' => 'Moelleken']]);

$arrayy->Lars = array('lastname' => 'Müller');
$arrayy->Lars->lastname; // 'Müller'

 * @property int        $id
 * @property int|string $firstName
 * @property string     $lastName
 * @property null|City  $city
 * @extends  \Arrayy\Arrayy<array-key,mixed>
class User extends \Arrayy\Arrayy
  protected $checkPropertyTypes = true;

  protected $checkPropertiesMismatchInConstructor = true;

 * @property string|null $plz
 * @property string      $name
 * @property string[]    $infos
 * @extends  \Arrayy\Arrayy<array-key,mixed>
class City extends \Arrayy\Arrayy
    protected $checkPropertyTypes = true;

    protected $checkPropertiesMismatchInConstructor = true;

$cityMeta = City::meta();
$city = new City(
        $cityMeta->plz   => null,
        $cityMeta->name  => 'Düsseldorf',
        $cityMeta->infos => ['lall'],

$userMeta = User::meta();
$user = new User(
        $userMeta->id        => 1,
        $userMeta->firstName => 'Lars',
        $userMeta->lastName  => 'Moelleken',
        $userMeta->city      => $city,

var_dump($user['lastName']); // 'Moelleken'
var_dump($user[$userMeta->lastName]); // 'Moelleken'
var_dump($user->lastName); // Moelleken

var_dump($user['']); // 'Düsseldorf'
var_dump($user[$userMeta->city][$cityMeta->name]); // 'Düsseldorf'
var_dump($user->city->name); // Düsseldorf

echo a(['fòô', 'bàř', 'bàř'])->unique()->reverse()->implode(','); // 'bàř,fòô'

 * @property int    $id
 * @property string $firstName
 * @property string $lastName
 * @extends  \Arrayy\Arrayy<array-key,mixed>
class User extends \Arrayy\Arrayy
  protected $checkPropertyTypes = true;

  protected $checkPropertiesMismatchInConstructor = true;

 * @template TKey of array-key
 * @extends  AbstractCollection<TKey,User>
class UserCollection extends \Arrayy\Collection\AbstractCollection
     * The type (FQCN) associated with this collection.
     * @return string
    public function getType()
        return User::class;

$m = User::meta();

$data = static function () use ($m) {
    yield new User([$m->id => 40, $m->firstName => 'Foo', $m->lastName => 'Moelleken']);
    yield new User([$m->id => 30, $m->firstName => 'Sven', $m->lastName => 'Moelleken']);
    yield new User([$m->id => 20, $m->firstName => 'Lars', $m->lastName => 'Moelleken']);
    yield new User([$m->id => 10, $m->firstName => 'Lea', $m->lastName => 'Moelleken']);

$users = UserCollection::createFromGeneratorFunction($data);
$names = $users
    ->filter(static function (User $user): bool {
        return $user->id <= 30;
    ->customSortValuesImmutable(static function (User $a, User $b): int {
        return $a->firstName <=> $b->firstName;
    ->map(static function (User $user): string {
        return $user->firstName;

static::assertSame('Lars;Lea;Sven', $names);

use Arrayy\Collection\AbstractCollection;

 * @extends  AbstractCollection<array-key,YOURInterface>
class YOURCollection extends AbstractCollection
     * The type (FQCN) associated with this collection.
     * @return string
    public function getType(): string
        return YOURInterface::class;

$YOURobject1 = new YOURClass();
$YOURobject2 = new YOURClass();

$YOURcollection = new YOURCollection($YOURobject1);
$YOURcollection->add($YOURobject2); // add one more object

// Or, you can use an array of objects.
// $YOURcollection = new YOURCollection([$YOURobject1, $YOURobject2]);

// Or, if you don't want to create new classes ... 
// ... and you don't need typehints and autocompletion via classes.
// $YOURcollection = \Arrayy\Collection::construct(YOURInterface::class, [$YOURobject1]);
// $YOURcollection->add($YOURobject2); // add one more object

// Or, if you don't like classes at all. ;-)
// $YOURcollection = \Arrayy\collection(YOURInterface::class, [$YOURobject1]);
// $YOURcollection->add($YOURobject2); // add one more object

foreach ($YOURcollection as $YOURobject) {
    if ($YOURobject instanceof YOURInterface) {
        // Do something with $YOURobject

use Arrayy\Type\StringCollection;

$collection = new StringCollection(['A', 'B', 'C', 1]);

use Arrayy\Type\IntCollection;
use Arrayy\Type\StringCollection;
use Arrayy\Type\InstancesCollection;
use Arrayy\Type\TypeInterface;

$collection = InstancesCollection::construct(
    [new StringCollection(['A', 'B', 'C']), new IntCollection([1])]

$collection->toArray(true); // [['A', 'B', 'C'], [1]]

namespace Arrayy\tests\Collection;

use Arrayy\Collection\AbstractCollection;

 * @extends  AbstractCollection<array-key,\Arrayy\tests\UserData>
class UserDataCollection extends AbstractCollection
     * The type (FQCN) associated with this collection.
     * @return string
    public function getType()
        return \Arrayy\tests\UserData::class;

$json = '[{"id":1,"firstName":"Lars","lastName":"Moelleken","city":{"name":"Düsseldorf","plz":null,"infos":["lall"]}}, {"id":1,"firstName":"Sven","lastName":"Moelleken","city":{"name":"Köln","plz":null,"infos":["foo"]}}]';
$userDataCollection = UserDataCollection::createFromJsonMapper($json);

/** @var \Arrayy\tests\UserData[] $userDatas */

$userData0 = $userDataCollection[0];
echo $userData0->firstName; // 'Lars'
$userData0->city; // CityData::class
echo $userData0->city->name; // 'Düsseldorf'

$userData1 = $userDataCollection[1];
echo $userData1->firstName; // 'Sven'
$userData1->city; // CityData::class
echo $userData1->city->name; // 'Köln'

$arrayy = new Arrayy(array('fòô', 'bàř')); // Arrayy['fòô', 'bàř']

$arrayy = A::create(array('fòô', 'bàř')); // Arrayy['fòô', 'bàř']

$array = array('fòô', 'bàř');
$arrayy = A::createByReference($array); // Arrayy['fòô', 'bàř']

$str = '{"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"}';
$arrayy = A::createFromJson($str); // Arrayy['firstName' => 'John', 'lastName' => 'Doe']

namespace Arrayy\tests;

 * @property int                         $id
 * @property int|string                  $firstName
 * @property string                      $lastName
 * @property \Arrayy\tests\CityData|null $city
 * @extends  \Arrayy\Arrayy<array-key,mixed>
class UserData extends \Arrayy\Arrayy
    protected $checkPropertyTypes = true;

    protected $checkForMissingPropertiesInConstructor = true;

 * @property string|null $plz
 * @property string      $name
 * @property string[]    $infos
 * @extends  \Arrayy\Arrayy<array-key,mixed>
class CityData extends \Arrayy\Arrayy
    protected $checkPropertyTypes = true;

    protected $checkPropertiesMismatchInConstructor = true;

    protected $checkForMissingPropertiesInConstructor = true;

    protected $checkPropertiesMismatch = true;

$json = '{"id":1,"firstName":"Lars","lastName":"Moelleken","city":{"name":"Düsseldorf","plz":null,"infos":["lall"]}}';
$userData = UserData::createFromJsonMapper($json);

$userData; // => \Arrayy\tests\UserData::class
echo $userData->firstName; // 'Lars' 
$userData->city; // => \Arrayy\tests\CityData::class
echo $userData->city->name; // 'Düsseldorf'

$object = A::create(1, 'foo');
$arrayy = A::createFromObject($object); // Arrayy[1, 'foo']

$object = new stdClass();
$object->x = 42;
$arrayy = A::createFromObjectVars($object); // Arrayy['x' => 42]

$arrayy = A::createWithRange(2, 4); // Arrayy[2, 3, 4]

$generator = A::createWithRange(2, 4)->getGenerator();
$arrayy = A::createFromGeneratorImmutable($generator); // Arrayy[2, 3, 4]

$generatorFunction = static function() {
    yield from A::createWithRange(2, 4)->getArray();
$arrayy = A::createFromGeneratorFunction($generatorFunction); // Arrayy[2, 3, 4]

$arrayy = A::createFromString(' foo, bar '); // Arrayy['foo', 'bar']

$arrayy = a(['fòô' => 'bàř']);
$arrayy['foo'] = 'bar';
var_dump($arrayy); // Arrayy['fòô' => 'bàř', 'foo' => 'bar']

$arrayy = a(['fòô' => 'bàř']);
var_dump($arrayy['fòô']); // 'bàř'

$arrayy = a(['fòô' => 'bàř']);
var_dump($arrayy->getArray()); // ['fòô' => 'bàř']

$arrayy = a(['fòô' => 'bàř', 'lall']);
var_dump($arrayy); // Arrayy[0 => 'lall']

$arrayy = a(['fòô' => 'bàř']);
isset($arrayy['fòô']); // true

$arrayy = a(['fòô' => 'bàř']);
foreach ($arrayy) as $key => $value) {
  echo $key . ' | ' . $value; // fòô | bàř
$arrayy = a(['fòôbàř', 'foo']);
foreach ($arrayy as $value) {
    echo $value;
// 'fòôbàř'
// 'foo'
$arrayy = a(['fòô', 'foo']);
count($arrayy);  // 2
use function Arrayy\create as a;

// Instead of: A::create(['fòô', 'bàř'])->reverse()->implode();
a(['fòô', 'bàř'])->reverse()->implode(','); // 'bàř,fòô'