PHP code example of voilab / csv

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download voilab/csv library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


voilab / csv example snippets

$parser = new \voilab\csv\Parser($defaultOptions = []);

$result = $parser->fromString($str = "A;B\n1;test", $options = []);

// or
$result = $parser->fromFile($file = '/path/file.csv', $options = []);

// or with a raw resource (fopen, fsockopen, php://memory, etc)
$result = $parser->fromResource($resource, $options = []);

// or with an array or an Iterator interface
$result = $parser->fromIterable($array = [['A', 'B'], ['1', 'test']], $options = []);

// or with a SPL file object
$result = $parser->fromSplFile($object = new \SplFileObject('file.csv'), $options = []);

// or with a PSR stream interface (ex. HTTP response message body)
$response = $someHttpClient->request('GET', '/');
$result = $parser->fromStream($response->getBody(), $options = []);

// or with a custom \voilab\csv\CsvInterface implementation
$result => $parser->parse($myCsvInterface, $options = []);

$parser = new \voilab\csv\Parser([
    'delimiter' => ';',
    'columns' => [
        'A' => function (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;
        'B' => function (string $data) {
            return ucfirst($data);

$csv = <<<CSV
A; B
4; hello
2; world

$result = $parser->fromString($csv);

foreach ($result as $row) {
    var_dump($row['A']); // int
    var_dump($row['B']); // string with first capital letter

$parser->fromFile('file.csv', [
    // fgetcsv
    'delimiter' => ',',
    'enclosure' => '"',
    'escape' => '\\',
    'length' => 0,
    'autoDetectLn' => null,

    // resources
    'metadata' => [],
    'close' => false,

    // PSR stream
    'lineEnding' => "\n",

    // headers management
    'headers' => true,
    'strict' => false,
    'guessEncoding' => new \voilab\csv\GuesserEncoding(),

    // data post-manipulation
    'onRowParsed' => function (array $row) {
        $row['other_stuff'] = do_some_stuff($row);
        return $row;
    'onChunkParsed' => function (array $rows) {
        // do whatever you want, return void
    'onError' => function (\Exception $e, $index) {
        throw new \Exception($e->getMessage() . ": at line $index");

    // CSV columns definition
    'columns' => [
        'A as id' => function (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;
        'B as firstname' => function (string $data) {
            return ucfirst($data);
        'C as name' => function (string $data) {
            if (!$data) {
                throw new \Exception("Name is mandatory and is missing");
            return ucfirst($data);
        // use of Optimizers (see at the end of this doc for more info)
        'D as optimized' => new \voilab\csv\Optimizer(
            function (string $data) {
                return (int) $data;
            function (array $data) {
                return some_reduce_function($data);

$parser->fromFile('file.csv', [
    'columns' => [
        // minimal usage
        'col1' => function (string $data) {
            return $data;

$parser->fromFile('file.csv', [
    // minimal usage
    'onBeforeColumnParse' => function (string $data) : string {
        return utf8_encode($data);

$parser->fromFile('file.csv', [
    // minmal usage
    'onRowParsed' => function (array $rowData) {
        return $rowData;

$str = <<<CSV
A; B    ; Just as I said
4; hello; hey
2; world; hi

$parser = new \voilab\csv\Parser();

$result = $parser->fromString($str, [
    'delimiter' => ';',
    'columns' => [
        'A as id' => function (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;
        'B as content' => function (string $data) {
            return ucfirst($data);
        'Just as I said as notes' => function (string $data) {
            return $data;

/* prints:
Array (
    [0] => Array (
        [id] => 4
        [content] => Hello
        [notes] => hey
    [1] => Array (
        [id] => 9
        [content] => World
        [notes] => hi

$result = $parser->fromString($str, [
    'nction (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;
        'B as content' => function (string $data) {
            return ucfirst($data);

$str = <<<CSV
4; hello
2; world

$result = $parser->fromString($str, [
    'columns' => [
        '0 as id' => function (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;
        '1 as content' => function (string $data) {
            return ucfirst($data);

/* prints:
Array (
    [0] => Array (
        [id] => 4
        [content] => Hello
    [1] => Array (
        [id] => 9
        [content] => World

$str = <<<CSV
A; B
4; hello
2; world

$parser = new \voilab\csv\Parser();

$result = $parser->fromString($str, [
    'delimiter' => ';',
    'columns' => [
        'B' => function (string $data) {
            // first call
            return ucfirst($data);
        'A' => function (string $data) {
            // second call
            return (int) $data;

/* prints:
Array (
    [0] => Array (
        [B] => Hello
        [A] => 4
    [1] => Array (
        [B] => World
        [A] => 9

$str = <<<CSV
A; B
4; hello
2; world

$parser = new \voilab\csv\Parser();

$resource = new \voilab\csv\CsvString($str);
$result = $parser->parse($resource, [
    'delimiter' => ';',
    'size' => 2,
    'columns' => [
        'B' => function (string $data) {
            return ucfirst($data);
        'A' => function (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;

$lastPos = $resource->tell();

$resource2 = new \voilab\csv\CsvString($str);
$nextResult = $parser->parse($resource2, [
    'delimiter' => ';',
    'size' => 2,
    'start' => 2, // yon **can** specify the start index. Not mandatory.
    'seek' => $lastPos,
    'columns' => [
        'B' => function (string $data) {
            return ucfirst($data);
        'A' => function (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;

$errors = [];
$data = $parser->fromFile('file.csv', [
    'onError' => function (\Exception $e, $index, array $meta, array $options) use (&$errors) {
        $errors[] = "Line [$index]: " . $e->getMessage();
        // do nothing more, so next columns and next lines can be parsed too.
        // meta types are the following:
        switch ($meta['type']) {
            case 'init':
            case 'column':
            case 'row':
            case 'reducer':
            case 'optimizer':
            case 'chunk':
    'columns' => [
        'email' => function (string $data) {
            // accept null email but validate it if there's one
            if ($data && !filter_var($data, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                throw new \Exception("The email [$data] is invalid");
            return $data ?: null;
if (count($errors)) {
    // now print in some ways all the errors found
} else {
    // everything went well, put data in db on whatever

$data = $parser->fromFile('file.csv', [
    'onError' => function (\Exception $e, $index, array $meta) {
        if ($meta['type'] === 'init') {
            // called during initialization.
            var_dump($meta['key']); // for errors with specific key
            if ($e->getCode() === \voilab\csv\Exception::HEADERMISSING) {
                throw new \Exception(sprintf("La colonne [%s] est obligatoire", $meta['key']));
        throw $e;

$str = <<<CSV
A; B
4; updated John
2; updated Sybille

$database = some_database_abstraction();

$data = $parser->fromString($str, [
    'delimiter' => ';',
    'columns' => [
        'A as user' => new \voilab\csv\Optimizer(
            // column function, same as when there's no optimizer
            function (string $data) {
                return (int) $data;
            // reduce function that uses the set of datas from the 1st function
            function (array $data) use ($database) {
                $query = 'SELECT id, firstname FROM user WHERE id IN(?)';
                $users = $database->query($query, array_unique($data));
                return array_reduce($users, function ($acc, $user) {
                    $acc[$user->id] = $user;
                    return $acc;
                }, []);
            // absent function. data is [int] because the first function returns
            // an [int]
            function (int $data, int $index) {
                throw new \Exception("User with id $data at index $index doesn't exist!");
        'B as firstname' => function (string $data) {
            return $data;

/* prints:
Array (
    [0] => Array (
        [user] => User ( id => 4, firstname => John )
        [firstname] => updated John
    [1] => Array (
        [user] => User ( id => 2, firstname => Sybille )
        [firstname] => updated Sybille

$str = ''; // a hudge CSV string with tons of rows and two columns

$parser->fromString($str, [
    'delimiter' => ';',
    'chunkSize' => 500,
    'onChunkParsed' => function (array $rows, int $chunkIndex, array $columns, array $options) {
        // count($rows) = 500
        // do something with your parsed rows. This method will be called
        // as long as there are rows to parse.

        // This method returns void
    'onError' => function (\Exception $e, $index, array $meta) {
        // if ($meta['type] === 'chunk') { do something }
    'columns' => [
        'A as name' => function (string $data) {
            return (int) $data;
        'B as firstname' => function (string $data) {
            return $data;

$str = 'A;B\r\n4;Hello\r\n;2;World';

$parser->fromString($str, [
    'guessLineEnding' => new \voilab\csv\GuesserLineEnding([
        // maximum line length to read, which will be parsed
        // defaults to: see below
        'length' => 1024 * 1024

$str = 'A;B\n4;Hello\n;2;World';

$parser->fromString($str, [
    'guessDelimiter' => new \voilab\csv\GuesserDelimiter([
        // delimiters to check. Defaults to: see below
        'delimiters' => [',', ';', ':', "\t", '|', ' '],
        // number of lines to check. Defaults to: see below
        'size' => 10,
        // throws an exception if result is amiguous. Defaults to: see below
        'throwAmbiguous' => true,
        // score to reach for a delimiter. Defaults to: see below
        'scoreLimit' => 50

$str = 'A;B\n4;Hellö\n;2;Wörld';

$parser->fromString($str, [
    'guessEncoding' => new \voilab\csv\GuesserEncoding([
        // encoding in which data to retrieve. Defaults to: see below
        'encodingTo' => 'utf-8',
        // encoding in file. If null, is auto-detected
        'from' => null,
        // available encodings. If null, uses mb_list_encodings
        'encodings' => null,
        // strict mode for mb_detect_encoding. Defaults to: see below
        'strict' => false