PHP code example of vlucas / bulletphp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vlucas/bulletphp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vlucas / bulletphp example snippets

imply build the application around your URLs */
$app = new Bullet\App();

$app->path('/', function($request) {
    return "Hello World!";
$app->path('/foo', function($request) {
    return "Bar!";

/* Run the app! (takes $method, $url or Bullet\Request object)
 * run() always return a \Bullet\Response object (or throw an exception) */

$app->run(new Bullet\Request())->send();

$app = new Bullet\App(array(
    'template.cfg' => array('path' => __DIR__ . '/templates')

// 'blog' subdirectory
$app->path('blog', function($request) use($app) {

    $blog = somehowGetBlogMapper(); // Your ORM or other methods here

    // 'posts' subdirectory in 'blog' ('blog/posts')
    $app->path('posts', function() use($app, $blog) {

        // Load posts once for handling by GET/POST/DELETE below
        $posts = $blog->allPosts(); // Your ORM or other methods here

        // Handle GET on this path
        $app->get(function() use($posts) {
            // Display all $posts
            return $app->template('posts/index', compact('posts'));

        // Handle POST on this path
        $app->post(function() use($posts) {
            // Create new post
            $post = new Post($request->post());
            return $this->response($post->toJSON(), 201);

        // Handle DELETE on this path
        $app->delete(function() use($posts) {
            // Delete entire posts collection
            return 200;


// Run the app and echo the response
echo $app->run("GET", "blog/posts");

$app = new Bullet\App(array(
    'template.cfg' => array('path' => __DIR__ . '/templates')
$app->path('posts', function($request) use($app) {
    // Integer path segment, like 'posts/42'
    $app->param('int', function($request, $id) use($app) {
        $app->get(function($request) use($id) {
            // View post
            return 'view_' . $id;
        $app->put(function($request) use($id) {
            // Update resource
            return 'update_' . $id;
        $app->delete(function($request) use($id) {
            // Delete resource
            return 'delete_' . $id;
    // All printable characters except space
    $app->param('ctype_graph', function($request, $slug) use($app) {
        return $slug; // 'my-post-title'

// Results of above code
echo $app->run('GET',   '/posts/42'); // 'view_42'
echo $app->run('PUT',   '/posts/42'); // 'update_42'
echo $app->run('DELETE', '/posts/42'); // 'delete_42'

echo $app->run('DELETE', '/posts/my-post-title'); // 'my-post-title'

$app->path('/', function($request) use($app) {
    $app->get(function($request) use($app) {
        // Links to available resources for the API
        $data = array(
            '_links' => array(
                'restaurants' => array(
                    'title' => 'Restaurants',
                    'href' => $app->url('restaurants')
                'events' => array(
                    'title' => 'Events',
                    'href' => $app->url('events')

        // Format responders
        $app->format('json', function($request), use($app, $data) {
            return $data; // Auto json_encode on arrays for JSON requests
        $app->format('xml', function($request), use($app, $data) {
            return custom_function_convert_array_to_xml($data);
        $app->format('html', function($request), use($app, $data) {
            return $app->template('index', array('links' => $data));

$app = new Bullet\App();
$app->path('/', function($request) use($app) {
    return "Hello World";
$app->path('/', function($request) use($app) {
    return $app->response("Hello Error!", 500);

$app = new Bullet\App();
$app->path('/', function($request) use($app) {
    return true;
$app->path('notfound', function($request) use($app) {
    return false;

$app = new Bullet\App();
$app->path('teapot', function($request) use($app) {
    return 418;

$app = new Bullet\App();
$app->path('foo', function($request) use($app) {
    return array('foo' => 'bar');
$app->path('bar', function($request) use($app) {
    return $app->response(array('bar' => 'baz'), 201);

// Configure template path with constructor
$app = new Bullet\App(array(
    'template.cfg' => array('path' => __DIR__ . '/templates')

// Routes
$app->path('foo', function($request) use($app) {
    return $app->template('foo');
$app->path('bar', function($request) use($app) {
    return $app->template('bar', array('bar' => 'baz'), 201);

$app->path('foo', function($request) use($app) {
    $g = function () {
        $cursor = new ExampleDatabaseQuery("select * from giant_table");
        foreach ($cursor as $row) {
            yield example_format_db_row($row);
    return new \Bullet\Response\Chunked($g());

$app->path('sendmsg', function($request) {
    $this->post(function($request) {
        $data = $request->postParam('message');
        return 201;

$app->path('readmsgs', function($request) {
    $this->get(function($request) {
        $g = function () {
            while (true) {
                $data = receive_message();
                yield [
                    'event' => 'message',
                    'data'  => $data
        \Bullet\Response\Sse::cleanupOb(); // Remove any output buffering
        return new \Bullet\Response\Sse($g());

$app = new Bullet\App();
$app->path('foo', function($request) use($app) {
    return "foo";
$app->path('bar', function($request) use($app) {
    $foo = $app->run('GET', 'foo'); // $foo is now a `Bullet\Response` instance
    return $foo->content() . "bar";
echo $app->run('GET', 'bar'); // echos 'foobar' with a 200 OK status