PHP code example of vladkens / autoprefixer
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vladkens/autoprefixer library. Choose the download type require. 2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php. 3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
vladkens / autoprefixer example snippets
$autoprefixer = new Autoprefixer();
$css = 'a { transition: transform 1s }';
$prefixed = $autoprefixer->compile($css);
$autoprefixer = new Autoprefixer();
$css_one = 'a { color: black; }';
$css_two = 'a { color: white; }';
// If need compile one css. Function return compied CSS.
$prefixed = $autoprefixer->compile($css_one);
echo $prefixed;
// If need compile many css in one time. Function return array of compiled CSS.
$prefixed = $autoprefixer->([$css_one, $css_two]);
echo $prefixed[0] . "\n" . $prefixed[1];
// If occurred error in compile time Autoprefixer throw exception named `AutoprefixerException`.
// You need process it.
try {
} catch (AutoprefixerException $error) {
echo $error->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $error) {
echo $error->getMessage();
// If you want to choose specific browsers
$autoprefixer = new Autoprefixer('last 1 version'); // one rule
// or
$autoprefixer = new Autoprefixer(['ff > 2', '> 2%', 'ie 8']); // many rules
// or
$autoprefixer->setBrowsers('last 1 version');
// or change browsers on a one iteration
$autoprefixer->compile($css_one, 'last 1 version');
// Also, you can get latest version Autoprefixer using