PHP code example of vlad-dmitr / rest-service

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vlad-dmitr/rest-service library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vlad-dmitr / rest-service example snippets

use RestService\Server;

    ->addGetRoute('test', function(){
        return 'Yay!';
    ->addGetRoute('foo/(.*)', function($bar){
        return $bar;

use RestService\Server;

Server::create('/admin', 'myRestApi\Admin')

namespace MyRestApi;

class Admin {

    * Checks if a user is logged in.
    * @return boolean
    public function getLoggedIn(){
        return $this->getContainer('auth')->isLoggedIn();

    * @param string $username
    * @param string $password
    * return boolean
    public function postLogin($username, $password){
        return $this->getContainer('auth')->doLogin($username, $password);

     * @param string $server
     * @url stats/([0-9]+)
     * @url stats
     * @return string
    public function getStats($server = '1'){
        return $this->getServerStats($server);


use RestService\Server;

Server::create('/admin', new MyRestApi\Admin) //base entry points `/admin`
    ->setDebugMode(true) //prints the debug trace, line number and file if a exception has been thrown.

    ->addGetRoute('login', 'doLogin') // => /admin/login
    ->addGetRoute('logout', 'doLogout') // => /admin/logout

    ->addGetRoute('page', 'getPages')
    ->addPutRoute('page', 'addPage')
    ->addGetRoute('page/([0-9]+)', 'getPage')
    ->addDeleteRoute('page/([0-9]+)', 'deletePage')
    ->addPostRoute('page/([0-9]+)', 'updatePage')

    ->addGetRoute('foo/bar/too', 'doFooBar')

    ->addSubController('tools', \RestApi\Tools) //adds a new sub entry point 'tools' => admin/tools
        ->addDeleteRoute('cache', 'clearCache')
        ->addGetRoute('rebuild-index', 'rebuildIndex')


namespace MyRestApi;

class Admin {
    public function login($username, $password){

        if (!$this->validLogin($username, $password)
            throw new InvalidLoginException('Login is invalid or no access.');

        return $this->getToken();


    public function logout(){

        if (!$this->hasSession()){
            throw new NoCurrentSessionException('There is no current session.');

        return $this->killSession();


    public function getPage($id){

namespace RestAPI;

class Tools {
    * Clears the cache of the app.
    * @param boolean $withIndex If true, it clears the search index too.
    * @return boolean True if the cache has been cleared.
    public function clearCache($withIndex = false){
        return true;
    "arcj/php-rest-service": "*"

// edit virtualhost /etc/nginx/conf.d/name_virtualhost_file
server {
 .. something params ...
 location / {

// and add line to /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;