PHP code example of vkuzmov / slack

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vkuzmov/slack library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vkuzmov / slack example snippets

// Instantiate without defaults
$client = new Maknz\Slack\Client('');

// Instantiate with defaults, so all messages created
// will be sent from 'Cyril' and to the #accounting channel
// by default. Any names like @regan or #channel will also be linked.
$settings = [
	'username' => 'Cyril',
	'channel' => '#accounting',
	'link_names' => true

$client = new Maknz\Slack\Client('', $settings);

$client->send('Hello world!');

$client->to('#accounting')->send('Are we rich yet?');


$client->from('Jake the Dog')->to('@FinnTheHuman')->send('Adventure time!');

// Either with a Slack emoji

// or a URL
$client->to('#accounting')->withIcon('')->send('Some accounting notification');

	'fallback' => 'Server health: good',
	'text' => 'Server health: good',
	'color' => 'danger',
])->send('New alert from the monitoring system'); // no message, but can be provided if you'd like

	'fallback' => 'Current server stats',
	'text' => 'Current server stats',
	'color' => 'danger',
	'fields' => [
			'title' => 'CPU usage',
			'value' => '90%',
			'short' => true // whether the field is short enough to sit side-by-side other fields, defaults to false
			'title' => 'RAM usage',
			'value' => '2.5GB of 4GB',
			'short' => true
])->send('New alert from the monitoring system'); // no message, but can be provided if you'd like

	'fallback' => 'Keep up the great work! I really love how the app works.',
	'text' => 'Keep up the great work! I really love how the app works.',
	'author_name' => 'Jane Appleseed',
	'author_link' => '',
	'author_icon' => ''
])->send('New user feedback');

$client->to('#weird')->disableMarkdown()->send('Disable *markdown* just for this message');

$client->to('#general')->enableMarkdown()->send('Enable _markdown_ just for this message');

	'fallback' => 'It is all broken, man',
	'text' => 'It is _all_ broken, man',
	'pretext' => 'From user: *JimBob*',
	'color' => 'danger',
	'mrkdwn_in' => ['pretext', 'text']
])->send('New alert from the monitoring system');

// Implicitly
$client->to('@regan')->send('I am sending this implicitly');

// Explicitly
$message = $client->createMessage();

$message->to('@regan')->setText('I am sending this explicitly');


$attachment = new Attachment([
	'fallback' => 'Some fallback text',
	'text' => 'The attachment text'

// Explicitly create a message from the client
// rather than using the magic passthrough methods
$message = $client->createMessage();


// Explicitly set the message text rather than
// implicitly through the send method
$message->setText('Hello world')->send();

$attachment = new Attachment([
	'fallback' => 'Some fallback text',
	'text' => 'The attachment text',
	'fields' => [
		new AttachmentField([
			'title' => 'A title',
			'value' => 'A value',
			'short' => true

// implicitly create a message and set the attachments

// or explicitly

$attachment = new Attachment([]);
