1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vkovic/laravel-model-meta library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
vkovic / laravel-model-meta example snippets
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Vkovic\LaravelModelMeta\Models\Traits\HasMetadata;
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable, HasMetadata; // <= trait is added here
// ...
$user = User::inRandomOrder()->first();
// Set meta value as string
$user->setMeta('foo', 'bar');
// Get meta value
$user->getMeta('foo'); // : 'bar'
// In case there is no metadata found for given key,
// we can pass default value to return
$user->getMeta('baz', 'default'); // : 'default'
$user->setMeta('a', 'one');
$user->setMeta('b', 'two');
$user->setMeta('c', 'three');
// Get all metadata
$user->allMeta(); // : ['a' => 'one', 'b' => 'two', 'c' => 'three']
// Get only keys
$user->metaKeys(); // : [0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c']
$user->setMeta('a', 'one');
$user->setMeta('b', 'two');
$user->setMeta('c', 'three');
// Remove meta by key
// Or array of keys
$user->removeMeta(['b', 'c']);
$user->setMeta('age', 35);
// Equals operator
User::whereMeta('age', '=', 35)->get();
// or shorther
User::whereMeta('age', 35)->get();
// Comparison operators
User::whereMeta('age', '>', 18)->get();
User::whereMeta('age', '!=', 20)->get();
// or with other comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=, =, <>, !=)
// All of the examples above will return Collection of users which meet's criteria,
// in this case our $user
$user->setMeta('company', 'Acme');
$anotherUser->setMeta('role', 'admin');
// Meta key
// Array of keys
User::whereHasMetaKey(['company', 'role'])->get();
// All of the examples above will return Collection of users which meet's criteria,
// in this case our $user and $anotherUser
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Vkovic\LaravelModelMeta\Models\Interfaces\HasMetadataInterface;
class User extends Authenticatable implements HasMetadataInterface // <= interface is added here
// ...
if ($model instanceof HasMetadataInterface) {
// ... do something
php artisan migrate
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