PHP code example of vkopytich13 / cybersource-rest-client-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vkopytich13/cybersource-rest-client-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vkopytich13 / cybersource-rest-client-php example snippets

   // For TESTING use
   // $this->runEnv = "";
   // For PRODUCTION use
   $this->runEnv = "";
  " ">=5.6",
  "cybersource/rest-client-php": "0.0.25"

   $this->authType          = "HTTP_SIGNATURE";
   $this->runEnv            = "";
   $this->merchantID        = <merchantID>;
   $this->apiKeyID          = <merchantKeyId>;
   $this->secretKey         = <merchantSecretKey>;

   $this->enableLog         = true;
   $this->logSize           = <logMaximumSize>;
   $this->logFile           = <logDirectory>;
   $this->logFilename       = <logFilename>;

   $this->proxyUrl          = <proxyHost>;
   $this->proxyHost         = <proxyPort>;

   $this->useMetaKey        = false;

   $this->authType            = "JWT";
   $this->runEnv              = "";
   $this->merchantID          = <merchantID>;

   $this->keyAlias            = <keyAlias>;
   $this->keyPass             = <keyPassword>;
   $this->keyFilename         = <keyFileName>";
   $this->keyDirectory        = <keysDirectory>;

   $this->enableLog           = true;
   $this->logSize             = <logMaximumSize>;
   $this->logFile             = <logDirectory>;
   $this->logFilename         = <logFilename>;

   $this->proxyUrl            = <proxyHost>;
   $this->proxyHost           = <proxyPort>;

   $this->useMetaKey          = false;

   $this->authType            = "HTTP_SIGNATURE";
   $this->merchantID          = <child merchantID>;
   $this->apiKeyID            = <MetaKey merchantKeyId>;
   $this->secretKey           = <Metakey merchantsecretKey>;
   $this->useMetaKey          = true;
   $this->portfolioID         = <Portfolio ID>;

   $this->authenticationType  = "JWT";
   $this->merchantID          = <child merchantID>;
   $this->keyAlias            = <keyAlias>;
   $this->keyPass             = <keyPassword>;
   $this->keyFileName         = <keyFileName>;
   $this->keyDirectory        = <keysDirectory>;
   $this->useMetaKey          = true;