PHP code example of vjik / php-enum

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vjik/php-enum library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vjik / php-enum example snippets

use Vjik\Enum\Enum;

 * @method static self NEW()
 * @method static self PROCESS()
 * @method static self DONE()
final class Status extends Enum
    private const NEW = 'new';
    private const PROCESS = 'process';
    private const DONE = 'done';

$process = Status::from('process');

$process = Status::tryFrom('process'); // Status object with value "process"
$process = Status::tryFrom('not-exists'); // null

$process = Status::PROCESS();

Status::DONE()->getName(); // DONE
Status::DONE()->getValue(); // done

use Vjik\Enum\Enum;

 * @method static self CREATE()
 * @method static self UPDATE()
final class Action extends Enum
    private const CREATE = 1;
    private const UPDATE = 2;

    protected static function data(): array
        return [
            self::CREATE => [
                'tip' => 'Create document',
            self::UPDATE => [
                'tip' => 'Update document',

    public function getTip(): string
        /** @var string */
        return $this->getPropertyValue('tip');
    public function getColor(): string
        return $this->match([
            self::CREATE => 'red',
            self::UPDATE => 'blue',
    public function getCode(): int
        return $this->match([
            self::CREATE => 1,
        ], 99);

echo Action::CREATE()->getTip();
echo Action::CREATE()->getColor();
echo Action::CREATE()->getCode();

// [1, 2]

// [$createObject, $updateObject]

Action::isValid(1); // true
Action::isValid(99); // false

echo Status::DONE(); // done