PHP code example of visavi / flystring

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download visavi/flystring library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


visavi / flystring example snippets

// Pass the file name and separator (default |)
$fly = new Visavi\FlyString('test.txt', '|');

// Checks the existence of the line returns true or false
$string = $fly->exists();

// Returns the number of lines in the file, if the file does not exist returns 0
$string = $fly->count();

// Adding lines to the file, if the file does not exist it will be created, line is added to the file
$fly->insert(['hello', 'world', 'test', 555]);

// Add a line to the beginning of the file
$fly->insert([0, 'The line at the beginning of the', 'something'], false);

// Reading the first line of the file, Default shows the last line in the file
$string = $fly->read(0);

// Search the data in cell number 2, it returns an array of the entire row and line number
$string = $fly->search(2, 'test');

// Change the value in the line number 8 and the cell number 2
$fly->cell(8, 2, 'new value');

// Writes a string number 5 new data
$fly->update(5, ['hello', 'world', 'test', 555]);

// Line breaks down the file number 3, if no number is transferred to a null string

// Shift 7 line 1 position up, then there would be 7 line 6 and vice versa
$fly->shift(7, -1);

// Deleting rows from a file, instead of an array can be passed an integer
$string = $fly->delete([1, 2]);

// Rewrites the entire file when the file does not exist, create it
$fly->write('new file');

// Displays formatted file size, such as 543B, 1.43kB

// Clears file