PHP code example of vironeer / toastr

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vironeer/toastr library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vironeer / toastr example snippets

// Display an info notification
toastr()->info('This is an info message', 'Info');

// Display a success notification
toastr()->success('This is a success message', 'Success');

// Display a warning notification
toastr()->warning('This is a warning message', 'Warning');

// Display an error notification
toastr()->error('This is an error message', 'Error');

use Toastr;

// Display an info notification
Toastr::info('This is an info message', 'Info');

// Display a success notification
Toastr::success('This is a success message', 'Success');

// Display a warning notification
Toastr::warning('This is a warning message', 'Warning');

// Display an error notification
Toastr::error('This is an error message', 'Error');

return [

    | Toastr Configuration
    | This configuration file allows you to customize the behavior and appearance
    | of Toastr notifications.

    'options' => [

        | Default Notification Duration
        | The default duration (in milliseconds) for how long a notification will
        | be displayed on the screen before it automatically disappears.

        'duration' => 3000,

        | Show/Hide Animation Duration
        | The duration (in milliseconds) for the show and hide animations of the
        | notification.

        'animationDuration' => 400,

        | Progress Bar
        | Enable or disable the progress bar that indicates the remaining time
        | for auto-closing notifications.

        'progressBar' => true,

        | Auto-Close Notifications
        | Enable or disable auto-closing of notifications after the specified
        | duration.

        'autoClose' => true,

        | Close Button
        | Enable or disable the close button on notifications.

        'closeButton' => true,

        | Close Button Icon
        | Customize the icon for the close button (if enabled).

        'closeButtonIcon' => 'vironeer-toast-close-icon',

        | Notification Position Class
        | Set the position class for notifications (toast-top-right, toast-top-center, toast-top-left,
        | toast-bottom-right, toast-bottom-center, toast-bottom-left).

        'positionClass' => 'vironeer-toast-top-right',

        | Show Notification Icons
        | Enable or disable the display of icons in notifications.

        'showIcon' => true,

        | Prevent Duplicates
        | Enable or disable duplicating the toasts

        'preventDuplicates' => true,

        | Icon Classes
        | Define custom icon classes for different notification types.

        'icons' => [
            'info' => 'vironeer-toast-info-icon',
            'warning' => 'vironeer-toast-warning-icon',
            'success' => 'vironeer-toast-success-icon',
            'error' => 'vironeer-toast-error-icon',

        | Notification Color Classes
        | Define custom color classes for different notification types.

        'colorsClasses' => [
            'info' => 'vironeer-toast-info',
            'warning' => 'vironeer-toast-warning',
            'success' => 'vironeer-toast-success',
            'error' => 'vironeer-toast-error',

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider="Vironeer\Toastr\ToastrServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=toastr-assets --provider="Vironeer\Toastr\ToastrServiceProvider"