PHP code example of vipnytt / sitemapparser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vipnytt/sitemapparser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vipnytt / sitemapparser example snippets

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser();
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
        echo $url . '<br>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent');
    foreach ($parser->getSitemaps() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'Sitemap<br>';
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo 'ChangeFreq: ' . $tags['changefreq'] . '<br>';
        echo 'Priority: ' . $tags['priority'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent');
    echo '<h2>Sitemaps</h2>';
    foreach ($parser->getSitemaps() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
    echo '<h2>URLs</h2>';
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
        echo 'URL: ' . $url . '<br>';
        echo 'LastMod: ' . $tags['lastmod'] . '<br>';
        echo 'ChangeFreq: ' . $tags['changefreq'] . '<br>';
        echo 'Priority: ' . $tags['priority'] . '<br>';
        echo '<hr>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

use vipnytt\SitemapParser;
use vipnytt\SitemapParser\Exceptions\SitemapParserException;

try {
    $parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent', ['strict' => false]);
    foreach ($parser->getSitemaps() as $url => $tags) {
            echo $url . '<br>';
    foreach ($parser->getURLs() as $url => $tags) {
            echo $url . '<br>';
} catch (SitemapParserException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

$rules = new RequestLimitRuleset([
    '' => [
            'max_requests'     => 20,
            'request_interval' => 1
            'max_requests'     => 100,
            'request_interval' => 120

$stack = new HandlerStack();
$stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler());

$throttle = new ThrottleMiddleware($rules);

 // Invoke the middleware
// OR: alternatively call the handle method directly

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $stack]);

$parser = new SitemapParser();

$stack = new HandlerStack();
$stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler());


$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $stack]);

$parser = new SitemapParser();

$logger = new Logger();

$stack = new HandlerStack();
$stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler());

$stack->push(new LogMiddleware($logger));

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $stack]);

$parser = new SitemapParser();

$config = [
    'strict' => true, // (bool) Disallow parsing of line-separated plain text
    'guzzle' => [
        // GuzzleHttp request options
    // use this to ignore URL when parsing sitemaps that contain multiple other sitemaps. Exact match only.
    'url_black_list' => []
$parser = new SitemapParser('MyCustomUserAgent', $config);