PHP code example of vinelab / minion

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vinelab/minion library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vinelab / minion example snippets

$m = new Minion():
$m->run(['realm' => 'myrealm', 'host' => '', 'port' => 8182]);

$m = new Minion();

$m = new Minion();
        'port'     => 9876,

        'host'     => '',

        'realm'    => 'somerealm',

        'register' => [

$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$m = new Minion();
$m->run([], $loop);

    public function get($args, $data)

use Vinelab\Minion\Provider;

class ChatProvider extends Provider
    protected $prefix = 'chat.';

    public function boot()
        // will be registered to topic: chat.send
        $this->register('send', 'sendMessage');

    public function sendMessage($args, $data)
        $message = $data->message;

        // store message in the database

        // tell everyone about it
        $this->publish('message', compact('message'));

        // response with the status
        return true;

use Vinelab\Minion\Minion;

$m = new Minion;

use Vinelab\Minion\Minion;
use Vinelab\Minion\Client;

// Get a minion instance
$m = new Minion;

$add = function ($x, $y) { return $x + $y; };

// Register a closure provider
$m->register(function (Client $client) use ($add) {

    // register
    $client->register('add', $add);

    // subscribe
    $client->subscribe('some.topic', function ($data) {
        // do things with data

    // publish
    $client->publish('', ['name' => 'mr.minion']);
