PHP code example of vinelab / bowler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vinelab/bowler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vinelab / bowler example snippets



// Initialize a Bowler Connection
$connection = new Vinelab\Bowler\Connection();

// Initialize a Producer object with a connection
$bowlerProducer = new Vinelab\Bowler\Producer($connection);

// Setup the producer's exchange name and other optional parameters: exchange type, passive, durable, auto delete and delivery mode
$bowlerProducer->setup('reporting_exchange', 'direct', false, true, false, 2);

// Send a message with an optional routingKey
$bowlerProducer->send($data, 'warning');

use Vinelab\Bowler\Producer;

class DoSomethingJob extends Job
    protected $data;

    public function __construct($data)
        $this->data = $data;

    public function handle(Producer $producer)


    Registrator::queue('books', 'App\Messaging\Handlers\BookHandler', []);

    Registrator::queue('reporting', 'App\Messaging\Handlers\ErrorReportingHandler', [
                                                            'exchangeName' => 'main_exchange',
                                                            'exchangeType'=> 'direct',
                                                            'bindingKeys' => [
                                                            'pasive' => false,
                                                            'durable' => true,
                                                            'autoDelete' => false,
                                                            'deadLetterQueueName' => 'dlx_queue',
                                                            'deadLetterExchangeName' => 'dlx',
                                                            'deadLetterExchangeType' => 'direct',
                                                            'deadLetterRoutingKey' => 'warning',
                                                            'messageTTL' => null


    // This is an example handler class

    namespace App\Messaging\Handlers;

    class AuthorHandler {

    	public function handle($msg)
    		echo "Author: ".$msg->body;

        public function handleError($e, $broker)
            if($e instanceof InvalidInputException) {
            } elseif($e instanceof WhatEverException) {
            } elseif($e instanceof WhatElseException) {
            } else {
                $msg = $broker->getMessage();
                if($msg->body) {

queueName : The queue NAME
--N|exchangeName : The exchange NAME. Defaults to queueName.
--T|exchangeType : The exchange TYPE. Supported exchanges: fanout, direct, topic. Defaults to fanout.
--K|bindingKeys : The consumer\'s BINDING KEYS array.
--p|passive : If set, the server will reply with Declare-Ok if the exchange and queue already exists with the same name, and raise an error if not. Defaults to 0.
--d|durable : Mark exchange and queue as DURABLE. Defaults to 1.
--D|autoDelete : Set exchange and queue to AUTO DELETE when all queues and consumers, respectively have finished using it. Defaults to 0.
--deadLetterQueueName : The dead letter queue NAME. Defaults to deadLetterExchangeName.
--deadLetterExchangeName : The dead letter exchange NAME. Defaults to deadLetterQueueName.
--deadLetterExchangeType : The dead letter exchange TYPE. Supported exchanges: fanout, direct, topic. Defaults to fanout.
--deadLetterRoutingKey : The dead letter ROUTING KEY.
--messageTTL : If set, specifies how long, in milliseconds, before a message is declared dead letter.

public function handle($msg)
    switch ($msg->delivery_info['routing_key']) {
        case 'key 1': //do something
        case 'key 2': //do something else

// Initialize a Bowler object with the rabbitmq server ip and port
$connection = new Bowler\Connection();

// Initialize a Pubisher object with a connection and a routingKey
$bowlerPublisher = new Publisher($connection);

// Publish the message and set its 

publish($routingKey, $data = null);

Registrator::subscriber('reporting-pub-sub', 'App\Messaging\Handlers\ReportingMessageHandler', ['warning']);

Registrator::subscriber($queue, $className, array $bindingKeys, $exchangeName = 'pub-sub', $exchangeType = 'topic');

// Initialize a Bowler object with the rabbitmq server ip and port
$connection = new Bowler\Connection();

// Initialize a Dispatcher object with a connection
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher($connection);

// Publish the message and set its 

dispatch($exchangeName, $routingKey, $data = null, $exchangeType = 'topic')

// catch all the cows in the "farm" exchange
Registrator::subscriber('monitoring', 'App\Messaging\Handlers\MonitoringMessageHandler', [
], 'farm');

php artisan bowler:consume my_app_queue --deadLetterQueueName=my_app_dlq --deadLetterExchangeName=dlx --deadLetterExchangeType=direct --deadLetterRoutingKey=invalid --messageTTL=10000

use Vinelab\Bowler\Facades\Message;

Message::beforePublish(function (AMQPMessage $msg, string $exchangeName, $routingKey = null) {
  return $msg;

Message::published(function (AMQPMessage $msg, string $exchangeName, $routingKey = null) {

Message::beforeConsume(function (AMQPMessage $msg, string $queueName, string $handlerClass) {
  return $msg;

Message::consumed(function (AMQPMessage $msg, string $queueName, string $handlerClass, Ack $ack) {

$app->bind(Producer::class, function () {
    return $this->createMock(Producer::class);
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Vinelab\Bowler\BowlerServiceProvider"