1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vinelab/assistant library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
Formatter::snakify('my word to make a snake'); // output: my_word_to_make_a_snake
Formatter::camelify('hakuna matata'); //output: hakunaMatata
Formatter::neutralize('I hAtE whEn sOmEoNe wRites thInGs LIKE tHiS');
// output: ihatewhensomeonewritesthingslikethis
Formatter::dashit('bash cash slash'); // output: bash-cash-slash
Formatter::date('10-02-2010 12:13:00'); // output: 10/02/10
Formatter::date('10-02-2010 12:13:00', 'd-m-y'); // output: 10-02-10
// Turn a camelCase string into dash-separated string
Formatter::aliasify('simpleTest'); // output: simple-test
Formatter::br2nl('a<br>b'); // output: a\nb
// Clean up HTML formatting to be saved in the database or used as plain text
// keeping links only as anchor tags. Solves an issue with editors when pasting
// in text from word processors or web pages. PS: removes all sorts of media.
Formatter::cleanHTML('<p>some</p><br><a href="#html">HTML</a><div>cleaned</div><img src="http://come.img" />');
// output: some\n\n<a href="#html">HTML</a>\ncleaned\n
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
// or in case of laravel
$user_agent = Request::server('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
DeviceDetector::isMobile($user_agent); // true|false
DeviceDetector::isBrowser($user_agent); // true|false
DeviceDetector::isBot($user_agent); // true|false - also detects sharing bots
DeviceDetector::isSharingBot($user_agent) // true|false
DeviceDetector::whatIs($user_agent); // mobile|browser|bot|sharing-bot
DeviceDetector::os($user_agent); // ios|android|blackberry|windows|other
// Generate a UUID v4 compliant.
$uuid = Generator::uuid();
// unique identifier that does not exceed 30 chars
$id = Generator::randomId(); // 907927051cdd15588d36
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Before you can download the PHP files, the dependencies should be resolved. This can take some minutes. Please be patient.