PHP code example of viktorprogger / telegram-bot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download viktorprogger/telegram-bot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


viktorprogger / telegram-bot example snippets

    use Botasis\Client\Telegram\Client\ClientPsr;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Application;
    use Botasis\Runtime\CallableFactory;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Emitter;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Handler\DummyUpdateHandler;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Middleware\Implementation\RouterMiddleware;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Middleware\MiddlewareDispatcher;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Middleware\MiddlewareFactory;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Router\Route;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Router\Router;
    use Botasis\Runtime\Router\RuleStatic;
    use Botasis\Runtime\UpdateHandlerInterface;
    use Http\Client\Socket\Client;
    use HttpSoft\Message\RequestFactory;
    use HttpSoft\Message\StreamFactory;
    use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
    use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
    use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
    use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface;
    use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
    use Yiisoft\Di\Container;
    use Yiisoft\EventDispatcher\Dispatcher\Dispatcher;
    * @var string $token - a bot token you've got from the BotFather
    * @var ClientInterface $httpClient - an HTTP client. If you've installed the php-http/socket-client package,
    *                                    it's {@see Client}. Either it's a client of your choice.
    * @var RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory - a PSR-17 HTTP request factory. If you've installed the httpsoft/http-message package,
    *                                                it's {@see RequestFactory}.
    * @var StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory - a PSR-17 HTTP stream factory. If you've installed the httpsoft/http-message package,
    *                                              it's {@see StreamFactory}.
    * @var EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher - a PSR-14 event dispatcher. If you've installed the yiisoft/event-dispatcher package,
    *                                                  it's {@see Dispatcher}.
    * @var ContainerInterface $container - a PST-11 DI container. If you've installed the yiisoft/di package,
    *                                      it's {@see Container}.
    $client = new ClientPsr(
    $emitter = new Emitter($client, $eventDispatcher);
    $middlewareDispatcher = new MiddlewareDispatcher(
      new MiddlewareFactory($container, new CallableFactory($container)),
    * Routes definition. Here we define a route for the /start message. The HelloHandler should implement the {@see UpdateHandlerInterface}.
    $routes = [
        new Route(new RuleStatic('/start'), HelloHandler::class),
    * Middlewares definition. {@see RouterMiddleware} should be the last one.
    $middlewares = [new RouterMiddleware(new Router($container, $middlewareDispatcher, ...$routes))];
    $middlewareDispatcher = $middlewareDispatcher->withMiddlewares();
    $application = new Application($emitter, new DummyUpdateHandler(), $middlewareDispatcher);

    final class CharacterNameCommandHandler implements UpdateHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(private StateRepositoryInterface $repository) {}
        public function handle(Update $update): ResponseInterface
            $state = new StateJson($update->user->id, $update->chat->id, 'setting-name');
            return (new Response($update))
                ->withRequest(new Message(
                    'Enter your character name below',

    $state = $update->getAttribute(\Botasis\Runtime\State\StateMiddleware::class);

        new Route(new RuleStatic('/set_name'), CharacterNameCommandHandler::class),
        new Route(
            new RuleDynamic(static fn(Update $update) => $update->getAttributes(StateMiddleware::class)?->getData() === json_encode('setting-name')),