PHP code example of viezel / filament-tour

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download viezel/filament-tour library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


viezel / filament-tour example snippets

 return [    
    'only_visible_once' => true,
    'enable_css_selector' => false,
    'tour_prefix_id' => 'tour_',
    'highlight_prefix_id' => 'highlight_',

use Viezel\FilamentTour\FilamentTourPlugin;

public function panel(Panel $panel) {
	return $panel->default()
		->plugins([ FilamentTourPlugin::make() ]);

// default  : true  

use Viezel\FilamentTour\FilamentTourPlugin;
use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Enums\TourHistoryType;

public function panel(Panel $panel) {
	return $panel->default()

namespace App\Filament\Pages;  
use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\HasTour;
class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard 
    use HasTour;
    // ...  

	public function tours(): array
		return []; 

use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Step;
use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Tour;

public function tours(): array 
    return [
                   ->title("Welcome to your Dashboard !")
                   ->title('Woaw ! Here is your avatar !')
                   ->description('You look nice !')


use App\Models\Post;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Livewire\Attributes\On;

 * Renders the first tour.
 * @param boolean $only_visible_once Whether the tour should only be visible once.
 * @param array   $tours             Tours to render.
 * @param array   $highlights        Highlights to render.
 * @return void
public function renderPostTour(bool $only_visible_once, array $tours, array $highlights): void
    // If there are posts, don't show this tour
    if (Post::count() > 0) {

    // Get the tour prefix value
    $prefix = Config::get('filament-tour.tour_prefix_id');

    // Remove the prefix
    $firstTourID = substr($tours[0]['id'], strlen($prefix));

    // Dispatch the event to open the tour
    $this->dispatch('filament-tour::open-tour', $firstTourID);

use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Step;
use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Tour;
use Livewire\Attributes\On;

public function completed($params): void
    // your logic here

public function dismissed($params): void
    // your logic here

public function tours(): array 
    return [
           ->dispatchOnComplete('dashboard-tour-completed', [
                'foo' => 'bar',
            ->dispatchOnDismiss('dashboard-tour-dismissed', [
                'foo' => 'bar',
                   ->title("Welcome to your Dashboard !")
                   ->title('Woaw ! Here is your avatar !')
                   ->description('You look nice !'),

use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Tour;

public function tours(): array {
    return [
       Tour::make(url: "")

use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Tour;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

public function tours(): array {
    return [
       Tour::make(json: Storage::disk('local')->get("TourDashboard.json"))


use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Tour;

// Instantiate a tour, and provide an id, to trigger it later
Tour::make(string $id)

// Since, JSON Support update
Tour::make(... $params)

    // Define a custom url to trigger your tour 
    ->route(string $route)
    //Register the steps of your tour
    ->steps(Step ...$steps)
    // Define a color of your highlight overlay for the dark and light theme of your filament panel
    ->colors(string $light, string $dark)
    //Set the tour as always visible, even is already viewed by the user.
    ->alwaysShow(bool|Closure $alwaysShow = true)
    //Show or hide the progress indicator
    ->showProgress(bool $showProgress = true)
    //Override the default progress text: "{{current}} of {{total}}"
    ->progressText(string $progressText)
     //Set a custom class for custom theming
    ->popoverClass(string $popoverClass)
    // Set the tour visible or not
    ->visible(bool|Closure $visible = true)
    // Set the 'Next' button label
    ->nextButtonLabel(string $label)
    // Set the 'Previous' button label
    ->previousButtonLabel(string $label)
    // Set the 'Done' button label
    ->doneButtonLabel(string $label)
    // Set the whole steps of the tour as uncloseable
    ->uncloseable(bool|Closure $uncloseable = true)
    // Disable all tour steps events
    ->disableEvents(bool|Closure $disableEvents = true)
    // Dispatch an event like `$dispatch()` when the user completes the tour
    ->dispatchOnComplete(string $name, ...$args)
    // Dispatch an event like `$dispatch()` when the user dismisses the tour
    ->dispatchOnDismiss(string $name, ...$args)
    // Should tour be marked as completed if user dismisses it
    ->shouldCompleteOnDismiss(bool $shouldCompleteOnDismiss = true)
    // Should tour be marked as completed if user dismisses it
    // Maybe useless, but who knows ?
    ->ignoreRoutes(bool|Closure $ignoreRoutes = true)

use Viezel\FilamentTour\Tour\Step;

// If no element provided, the step act like a modal
Step::make(string $element = null)

    // Define the title of your step
    // Mandatory
    ->title(string|Closure $title)
    // Define the description of your step
    // Also accept HTML
    // Mandatory
    ->description(string|Closure|HtmlString|View $description)
    // Define an icon next to your step title
    ->icon(string $icon)
    // Define the color of the title icon
    ->iconColor(string $color)
    // Step your step closeable or not
    // Default: true
    ->uncloseable(bool|Closure $uncloseable = true)
    //Simulate a click on a CSS selected element when you press the next button
    ->clickOnNext(string|Closure $selector)
    // Send a notification when you press the next button
    ->notifyOnNext(Notification $notification)
    //Redirect you to a custom url or a route() when you press the next button
    ->redirectOnNext(string $url, bool $newTab = false)
    // Dispatch an event like `$dispatch()` when you press the next button
    ->dispatchOnNext(string $name, ...$args)

namespace App\Filament\Pages;  
use Viezel\FilamentTour\Highlight\HasHighlight;  
class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard {

    use HasHighlight;
    public function highlights(): array 
	    return []; 

use Viezel\FilamentTour\Highlight\Highlight;

public function highlights(): array 
    return [
            ->title('Whoaw ! You highlighted the title of the page !')
            ->title("Pssst ! That's your avatar")

use Viezel\FilamentTour\Highlight\Highlight;

// Instantiate a highlight with a CSS select of the element where the icon button is next to
Highlight::make(string $parent)

    // Define the element to be highlighted
    ->element(string $element)

    // Set the title of your highlight
    ->title(string|Closure $title)

    // Set the description of your highlight
    ->description(string|Closure|HtmlString|View $description)

    // Define a custom icon for your highlight button
    // Default: heroicon-m-question-mark-circle
    ->icon(string $icon)

    // Define the color of the highlight icon button
    // Default: gray
    ->iconColor(string $color)

    // Define a color of your highlight overlay for the dark and light theme of your filament panel
    ->colors(string $light, string $dark)

    // Set the position of your icon button around the parent
    // Default: top-left
    // Available: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
    ->position(string $position)

// Filament Action Button
    ->label('Show Dashboard tour')
    ->dispatch('filament-tour::open-tour', ['dashboard']),
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-views"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-migrations"