PHP code example of vicvicos / yii2-minify-view

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vicvicos/yii2-minify-view library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vicvicos / yii2-minify-view example snippets

return [
	// ...
	'components' => [
		// ...
		'view' => [
			'class' => '\vicvicos\yii\minify\View',
			'enableMinify' => !YII_DEBUG,
			'concatCss' => true, // concatenate css
			'minifyCss' => true, // minificate css
			'concatJs' => true, // concatenate js
			'minifyJs' => true, // minificate js
            'cssOptions' => [ // Options css
                "preload" => true // preload css files
			'minifyOutput' => true, // minificate result html page
			'webPath' => '@web', // path alias to web base
			'basePath' => '@webroot', // path alias to web base
			'minifyPath' => '@webroot/minify', // path alias to save minify result
			'jsPosition' => [ \yii\web\View::POS_END ], // positions of js files to be minified
			'forceCharset' => 'UTF-8', // charset forcibly assign, otherwise will use all of the files found charset
			'expandImports' => true, // whether to change @import on content
			'compressOptions' => ['extra' => true], // options for compress
			'excludeFiles' => [
            	'jquery.js', // exclude this file from minification
            	'app-[^.].js', // you may use regexp
            'excludeBundles' => [
            	\app\helloworld\AssetBundle::class, // exclude this bundle from minification