PHP code example of victorybiz / laravel-simple-select

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download victorybiz/laravel-simple-select library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


victorybiz / laravel-simple-select example snippets

// Basic Arrays
$options = ['Nigeria', 'United Kingdom', 'United States'];
// Above will output Option Value e.g Nigeria 
// Above will output Option Text e.g Nigeria

// OR

// Associative Arrays
$options = [
  ['value' => 'NG', 'text' => 'Nigeria'],
  ['value' => 'GB', 'text' => 'United Kingdom'],
  ['value' => 'US', 'text' => 'United States']
// Above will output Option Value e.g NG 
// Above will output Option Text e.g Nigeria

// OR

// Using Associative Arrays data from a Model/Database,
// ensure to customize the field names with value-field="code" and text-field="name" properties of the component.
$options = [
  ['code' => 'NG', 'name' => 'Nigeria'],
  ['code' => 'GB', 'name' => 'United Kingdom'],
  ['code' => 'US', 'name' => 'United States']
// OR
$options = [
  ['code' => 'NG', 'name' => 'Nigeria', 'flag' => ''],
  ['code' => 'GB', 'name' => 'United Kingdom', 'flag' => ''],
  ['code' => 'US', 'name' => 'United States', 'flag' => '']
// Above will output Option Value e.g NG 
// Above will output Option Text e.g Nigeria


// Expected data in Database
// Model Country::class 
$countries = [
  ['code' => 'NG', 'name' => 'Nigeria'],
  ['code' => 'GB', 'name' => 'United Kingdom'],
  ['code' => 'US', 'name' => 'United States']
// Model State::class
$states = [
  ['id' => 1, 'country_code' => 'NG', 'name' => 'Abuja'],
  ['id' => 2, 'country_code' => 'NG', 'name' => 'Edo'],
  ['id' => 3, 'country_code' => 'NG', 'name' => 'Lagos'],
  ['id' => 4, 'country_code' => 'US', 'name' => 'Alaska'],
  ['id' => 5, 'country_code' => 'US', 'name' => 'Califonia'],
  ['id' => 6, 'country_code' => 'US', 'name' => 'Florida'],
  ['id' => 7, 'country_code' => 'GB', 'name' => 'Belfast'],
  ['id' => 8, 'country_code' => 'GB', 'name' => 'London'],
  // ...

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;

class CreateUser extends Component
    public $countries = [];
    public $states = [];

    public $name;
    public $country;
    public $state;

    protected function rules()

    public function updated($propertyName)

    public function store()
        // Store the data

    public function mount()
        $this->countries = \App\Models\Country::orderBy('name')->get()->toArray();             

    public function updatedCountry($countryCode)
        if ($countryCode) {
            $this->states = \App\Models\State::where('country_code', $countryCode)->orderBy('name')->get()->toArray();  
        } else {
            $this->states = [];            
        $this->state = null;

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.create-user');