PHP code example of victorybiz / laravel-crypto-payment-gateway

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download victorybiz/laravel-crypto-payment-gateway library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


victorybiz / laravel-crypto-payment-gateway example snippets

// routes/web.php

// You can protect the '' route with `auth` middleware to allow access by only authenticated user
Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/payments/crypto/pay', Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\Http\Controllers\CryptoPaymentController::class)

// You you need to create your own callback controller and define the route below
// The callback route should be a publicly accessible route with no auth
// However, you may also exclude the route from CSRF Protection by adding their URIs to the $except property of the VerifyCsrfToken middleware.
Route::post('/payments/crypto/callback', [App\Http\Controllers\Payment\PaymentController::class, 'callback'])
                ->withoutMiddleware(['web', 'auth']);

// This could be in a controller method or livewire component method
use Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway;

$payment_url = LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway::startPaymentSession([
    'amountUSD' => $validatedData['amount'], // OR 'amount' when sending BTC value
    'orderID' => $product->id,
    'userID' => Auth::user()->id,
    'redirect' => url()->full(),
// redirect to the payment page

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Payment;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway;

class PaymentController extends Controller
     * Cryptobox callback.
    public function callback(Request $request)
      return LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway::callback();
// routes/web.php
Route::post('/payments/crypto/callback', [App\Http\Controllers\Payment\PaymentController::class, 'callback'])
                ->withoutMiddleware(['web', 'auth']);

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Payment;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway;

class PaymentController extends Controller
     * Cryptobox IPN Example
     * @param \Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\Models\CryptoPaymentModel $cryptoPaymentModel
     * @param array $payment_details
     * @param string $box_status
     * @return bool
    public static function ipn($cryptoPaymentModel, $payment_details, $box_status)
        if ($cryptoPaymentModel) {  
            // ADD YOUR CODE HERE
            // ------------------
            // For example, you have a model `UserOrder`, you can create new Bitcoin payment record to this model
            $userOrder = UserOrder::where('payment_id', $cryptoPaymentModel->paymentID)->first();
            if (!$userOrder) 
                    'payment_id' => $cryptoPaymentModel->paymentID,
                    'user_id'    => $payment_details["user"],
                    'order_id'   => $payment_details["order"],
                    'amount'     => floatval($payment_details["amount"]),
                    'amountusd'  => floatval($payment_details["amountusd"]),
                    'coinlabel'  => $payment_details["coinlabel"],
                    'txconfirmed'  => $payment_details["confirmed"],
                    'status'     => $payment_details["status"],
            // ------------------

            // Received second IPN notification (optional) - Bitcoin payment confirmed (6+ transaction confirmations)
            if ($userOrder && $box_status == "cryptobox_updated")
                $userOrder->txconfirmed = $payment_details["confirmed"];
            // ------------------

            // Onetime action when payment confirmed (6+ transaction confirmations)
            if (!$cryptoPaymentModel->processed && $payment_details["confirmed"])
                // Add your custom logic here to give value to the user.
                // ------------------
                // set the status of the payment to processed
                // $cryptoPaymentModel->setStatusAsProcessed();

                // ------------------
                // Add logic to send notification of confirmed/processed payment to the user if any
        return true;

// config/laravel-crypto-payment-gateway.php

 * Hook IPN (Instant payment notification) to the following static class method.
 * In this static class method, you can  add your custom logic and give value to the user once your confirmed payment box status.
 * You can also add payment notification logic. 
 * This can be a static class method defined anywhere in your application.
 * This can also be static method/action defined in controller class but route must not be defined for the action.
 * The Static Method Definition in your class:
 * @param \Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\Models\CryptoPaymentModel $cryptoPaymentModel
 * @param array $payment_details
 * @param string $box_status
 * @return bool
 * public static function ipn($cryptoPaymentModel, $payment_details, $box_status)
 * {
 *  // Add your custom logic here.
 *  return true;
 * }
 * Example: [\Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\Http\Controllers\CryptoPaymentController::class, 'ipn']
'hook_ipn' => [\App\Http\Controllers\Payment\PaymentController, 'ipn'],

use Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\Models\CryptoPaymentModel;

$cryptoPayment = CryptoPaymentModel::find($paymentID);

$cryptoPayment = CryptoPaymentModel::where('paymentID', $paymentID);

$processedCryptoPayment = CryptoPaymentModel::where('processed', true);

use Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway;

$laravelCryptoPaymentGateway = new LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway;

$cryptobox = $laravelCryptoPaymentGateway->getCryptobox($options = []);

$payment_history = $cryptobox->payment_history($boxID = "", $orderID = "", $userID = "", $countryID = "", $boxType = "", $period = "7 DAY");
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Victorybiz\LaravelCryptoPaymentGateway\LaravelCryptoPaymentGatewayServiceProvider"