PHP code example of vegas-cmf / apidoc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vegas-cmf/apidoc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vegas-cmf / apidoc example snippets

use Vegas\Cli\Task\Option;
use Vegas\Mvc\View;

class ApidocTask extends \Vegas\ApiDoc\Task\GeneratorTaskAbstract
    protected function getView()
        $view = new View($this->di->get('config')->application->view->toArray());

        return $view;

    protected function getOutputPath()
        return APP_ROOT . '/public/apiDoc/';

    protected function getLayoutFilePath()
        return APP_ROOT . '/app/layouts/partials/apiDoc/layout';

    protected function getInputPath()
        return APP_ROOT . '/app/modules';

namespace ApiTest\Controllers;

use ApiTest\Services\Exception\ApiException;
use Vegas\Mvc\Controller\ControllerAbstract;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher;

 * @api(
 *  name='Test',
 *  description='Test API',
 *  version='1.0.0'
 * )
class TestController extends ControllerAbstract
     * @api(
     *  method='GET',
     *  description='Returns Test object',
     *  name='Get test',
     *  url='/api/test/{id}',
     *  params=[
     *      {name: 'id', type: 'string', description: 'Test ID'}
     *  ],
     *  headers=[
     *      {name: 'HTTP_X_AUTH', description: 'Authentication token'}
     *  ],
     *  requestFormat='JSON',
     *  requestContentType='application/json',
     *  request={
     *      {name: 'id', type: 'MongoId', description: 'ID of something'}
     *  },
     *  requestExample='{
     *      "id": "123"
     *  }',
     *  responseFormat='JSON',
     *  responseContentType='application/json',
     *  response=[
     *      {name: 'id', type: 'MongoId', description: 'Test ID'},
     *      {name: 'name', type: 'string', description: 'Foo name'}
     *  ],
     *  responseCodes=[
     *      {code: 111, description: 'Connection refused'},
     *      {code: 200, description: 'OK'},
     *      {code: 300, description: 'Found'},
     *      {code: 404, description: 'Record not found'},
     *      {code: 500, description: 'Application error'}
     *  ],
     *  responseExample='{
     *      "id": "123",
     *      "name": "Test"
     *  }'
     * )
    public function getAction()
        try {
            if (!$this->request->get('id')) {
                throw new ApiException();
            return $this->jsonResponse(
                    'id' => '123',
                    'name' => 'Test 1'
        } catch (ApiException $e) {
            $response = $this->jsonResponse('');
            $response->setStatusCode(404, 'Record not found');
            return $response;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $response = $this->jsonResponse('');
            $response->setStatusCode(500, 'Application error');
            return $response;

     * @api(
     *  method='GET',
     *  description='Returns list of tests objects',
     *  name='Get tests',
     *  url='/api/test',
     *  headers=[
     *      {name: 'HTTP_X_AUTH', description: 'Authentication token'}
     *  ],
     *  responseCodes=[
     *      {code: 500, description: 'Unknown error'}
     *      {code: 200, description: 'Ok'}
     *  ],
     *  requestFormat='JSON',
     *  requestContentType='application/json',
     *  request=''
     *  requestExample='',
     *  responseFormat='JSON',
     *  responseContentType='application/json',
     *  response=[
     *      {
     *          {name: 'id', type: 'MongoId', description: 'Test ID'},
     *          {name: 'name', type: 'string', description: 'Test name'}
     *      },
     *      {
     *          {name: 'id', type: 'MongoId', description: 'Test ID'},
     *          {name: 'name', type: 'string', description: 'Test name'}
     *      }
     *  ],
     *  responseExample='[
     *      {
     *          "id": "123",
     *          "name": "Test 1"
     *      },
     *      {
     *          "id": "124",
     *          "name": "Test 2"
     *      }
     *  ]'
     * )
     * @return null|\Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface
    public function listAction()
        try {
            return $this->jsonResponse(
                    'id' => '123',
                    'name' => 'Test 1'
                    'id' => '124',
                    'name' => 'Test 2'
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $response = $this->jsonResponse('');
            $response->setStatusCode(500, 'Application  error');
            return $response;

php composer.phar update

mkdir app/tasks

touch app/tasks/ApidocTask.php

php cli/cli.php app:apidoc generate