PHP code example of vedatunlu / payment

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vedatunlu/payment library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vedatunlu / payment example snippets

    // will return credit card resources
            'customer_number' => 123123

    // will return credit card token
            'card_number' => 4508034508034509,
            'customer_number' => 123123,
            'expiry_month' => 12,
            'expiry_year' => 2026,
            'card_holder_name' => 'Vedat Ünlü'

    // will return a html form body and this form will redirect to the 3D verification
    $response = Payment::gateway('sipay')
                        'cc_holder_name' => 'Vedat Ünlü',
                        'cc_no' => '4508034508034509',
                        'expiry_month' => '12',
                        'expiry_year' => '2026',
                        'cvv' => '000',
                        'currency_code' => 'TRY',
                        'installments_number' => 1,
                        'invoice_id' => rand(100000, 999999),
                        'invoice_description' => 'invoice_description',
                        'name' => 'Vedat',
                        'surname' => 'Ünlü',
                        'total' => 101.10,
                        'items' => json_encode([
                                'name' => 'Item 2',
                                'price' => 101.10,
                                'quantity' => 1,
                                'description' => "item description"
                        'cancel_url' => 'payment-success-callback-url', // route('payment.callback.success)
                        'return_url' => 'payment-error-callback-url', // route('payment.callback.error)
                        'response_method' => 'POST'
    if ($response->isSuccess() == true) {
        return $response->get3DSForm(); // get response as html form
    return $response->toArray(); // get response as array

    $hashKey = $request->input('hash_key');
    if (!Payment::validate('sipay', $hashKey)) {
        return back()->with('error', 'Invalid hash key');
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=payment-config