PHP code example of vectorface / whip

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vectorface/whip library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vectorface / whip example snippets

use Vectorface\Whip\Whip;

$whip = new Whip();
$clientAddress = $whip->getValidIpAddress();

$whip = new Whip();
if (false === ($clientAddress = $whip->getValidIpAddress())) {
    // handle the error

$whip = new Whip(Whip::CLOUDFLARE_HEADERS | Whip::REMOTE_ADDR);
$clientAddress = $whip->getValidIpAddress();

$whip = new Whip(
    [Whip::CUSTOM_HEADERS => [ // Whitelist your proxies.
        Whip::IPV4 => ['', '']
$ip = $whip->getValidIpAddress();

$whip = new Whip(
        Whip::CLOUDFLARE_HEADERS => [
            Whip::IPV4 => [
            Whip::IPV6 => [
$clientAddress = $whip->getValidIpAddress();

$whip = new Whip(
        Whip::CUSTOM_HEADERS => [
            Whip::IPV4 => [
            Whip::IPV6 => [
$clientAddress = $whip->getValidIpAddress();

$range = new Vectorface\Whip\IpRange\Ipv4Range('10.0.*');
if ($range->containsIp($ipv4Address)) {
    // handle the IP address being within the range

$range = new Vectorface\Whip\IpRange\Ipv6Range('::1/32');
if ($range->containsIp($ipv6Address)) {
    // handle the IP address being within the range

// Get a Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface implementation from somewhere.
$request = ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals();

// You can pass the request in the constructor.
$whip = new Whip(Whip::REMOTE_ADDR, [], $request);

// ... or set the request as the source of data.

// ... or pass it to any function accepting a source argument.
$ip = $whip->getValidIpAddress($request);