PHP code example of vector88 / webutils

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vector88/webutils library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vector88 / webutils example snippets

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'XmlHelper'          => Vector88\WebUtils\Facades\XmlHelper::class,
	'HttpRequestHelper'  => Vector88\WebUtils\Facades\HttpRequestHelper::class,

use Vector88\WebUtils\HttpRequestHelper;

// Build a request (using Laravel with IOC)
$request = HttpRequestHelper::uri( $uri )
  ->authUsername( 'user' )
  ->authPassword( 'password' )
  ->method( 'POST' )
  ->header( 'Content-type', 'text/plain' )
  ->header( 'Cache-control', 'no-cache' )
  ->body( "Hello World! Here's some data..." );

// Execute the request
$response = $request->execute();

// If the request was successful:
if( $response->success ) {

  // Display the response code
  echo "{$response->code}<br />";

  // Display the response headers
  foreach( $response->headers as $header ) {
    echo "$header<br />";

  // Display the response body
  echo "<br />";
  echo $response->body;

// Otherwise, if the request failed then display the error message and code
} else {
  echo "Request failed: {$response->errstr} ({$response->errno}).";


// Build a request (not using Laravel)
$request = new HttpRequestHelper();
$request->uri( $uri )

$xml = XmlHelper::loadStream( $xmlString );

$xml = new XmlHelper();
$xml->loadStream( $xmlString );

// Load an XML String (using Laravel with IOC)
$xml = XmlHelper::loadStream( $xmlString );

// Load a DOMDocument
$xml = XmlHelper::setElement( $document );

// Load a DOMNode
$xml = XmlHelper::setElement( $node );

// Create an empty XML object (with a document element)
$xml = XmlHelper::create();

$catalogue = $xml->findFirst( 'catalogue' );

$book = $xml->findFirst( '//book' );

$book = $xml->findFirst( '/catalogue/books/book' );
$book = $xml->findFirst( '//books/book[starts-with(@isbn, "97805")]' );
$book = $xml->findFirst( '/catalogue//book[contains(author, "kien")]' );

$books = $xml->findAll( '//books' );

$catalogueHelper = $xml->helper( 'catalogue' );

// GOOD. Do this.
$bookHelper = $xml->helper( 'catalogue/books/book' );

// OK. Because './' gets prepended, this is actually acceptable.
$bookHelper = $xml->helper( '/book' );

// BAD. Don't do this.
$bookHelper = $xml->helper( ''//book' );

$bookHelpers = $xml->helpers( 'catalogue/books/book' );

// Retrieve a helper for the first book element that can be found
$book = $xml->helper( '/book' );

// Retrieve and display the book title and year
echo "Book Title: " . $book->string( "title" ) . "<br />";
echo "Year: " . $book->integer( "year" ) . "<br />";

$title = $xml->string( '/book/title' );
$year = $xml->integer( '/book/year' );

$allBookTitles = $xml->strings( '/book/title' );
$allBookYears = $xml->integers( '/book/year' );

$book = $xml->helper( '/book' );
$isbn = $book->stringAttribute( 'isbn' );

$booksHelper = $xml->helper( '/catalogue/books' );

// Add (and get) a new book element to the books element
$newBookHelper = $booksHelper->add( 'book' );

// Use the XML helper to set some attributes and add additional children
$newBookHelper->setAttribute( 'isbn', '9780764555893' );
$newBookHelper->add( 'title', 'PHP and MySQL for Dummies' );
$newBookHelper->add( 'author', 'Valade, J' );
$newBookHelper->add( 'year', '2002' );

$xmlString = $xml->toString();

$xml = XmlHelper::loadStream( $xmlString );
$xml->withNamespace( "", "ns" );
$animals = $xml->findAll( "ns:animals/ns:animal" );

$animalHelpers = $xml->helpers( "ns:animals/ns:animal" );
foreach( $animalHelpers as $animalHelper ) {
  echo $animalHelper->string( "ns:species" ) . "<br />";
  echo $animalHelper->string( "ns:subspecies" ) . "<br />";