PHP code example of vector88 / laravel-navigation

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vector88/laravel-navigation library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vector88 / laravel-navigation example snippets

    'providers' => [

namespace App\Listeners;
use Vector88\Navigation\Events\BuildNavigation;
use Vector88\Navigation\Models\NavigationItem;

class AddHomeToNavigation {
    public function handle( BuildNavigation $e ) {
        $e->add( new NavigationItem( 'home', 'Home', url( '/' ) ) );

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        'Vector88\Navigation\Events\BuildNavigation' => [
            // ...
        // ...

public function processMenu( Vector88\Navigation\Contracts\Navigation $navigationService ) {
    $tree = $navigationService->build();
    // Do something with $tree

public function doSomethingDifferent() {
    $navigationService = $this->app->make( 'Vector88\Navigation\Contracts\Navigation' );
    $tree = $navigationService->build();
    // Do something else with $tree

$navigationService->build( "foo" );

// ...

public function handle( BuildNavigation $e ) {
    if( $e->context == "foo" ) {
        // ...

public $key;
public $label;
public $href;
public $sortIndex;
public $right;

$rootItem = new NavigationItem( 'root' );
$childItem = new NavigationItem( 'root.child' );
$anotherChildItem = new NavigationItem( 'root.anotherchild' );
$thirdLevelItem = new NavigationItem( 'root.anotherchild.third_level' );

$e->add( $rootItem );
$e->add( $childItem );
$e->add( $anotherChildItem );
$e->add( $thirdLevelItem );

// The above code will result in a structure like this:
// + root
//   + child
//   + anotherchild
//     + third_level

// label = "Main Menu"
$mainMenuItem = new NavigationItem( 'root', 'Main Menu' );

// label = "any_label"
$notSpecifiedItem = new NavigationItem( 'item.without.any_label' );

$homeItem = new NavigationItem( 'main.home', 'Home', url( '/' ) );
$loginItem = new NavigationItem( 'account.login', 'Sign In', route( 'login' ) );
$googleItem = new NavigationItem( '', 'Google Search', '' );

$sortedItem = new NavigationItem( 'main.third', 'Third Item', url( '/' ), 3 );

// or

$sortedItem->sortIndex = 3;

$item->right = true;