PHP code example of vection-framework / di-container

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vection-framework/di-container library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vection-framework / di-container example snippets

use Vection\Component\DependencyInjection\Traits\AnnotationInjection;

class MyApiController implements LoggerAwareInterface // Auto injection Logger via mapping in container config.
    use AnnotationInjection; 
    #[Inject] private IdentityQueryService $identityQueryService;
    public function __construct(CommandBusInterface $commandBus) 
        // Auto constructor parameter injection

public function __construct(FooBar $fooBar)

class Awesome
    use AnnotationInjection;

    #[Inject] protected FooBar $fooBar;

class Awesome
    use AnnotationInjection;
    #[Inject] protected FooBar $fooBar;

    public function __construct()   
        // Cannot access $this->fooBar yet
    // Alternative construction method, called immediately after the object is created with its dependencies
    public function __init(): void
        // Here you can access

class Awesome
    use AnnotationInjection;
    public function __construct(FooBarInterface $fooBar)

   ->viaFactory(fn(Container $container) => $container->get(FooBar::class))

class Awesome implements LoggerAwareInterface
    public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)

# First map the interface to the implementation
    ->viaFactory(fn(Container $container) => new Logger())

# Now we can map the aware interface with the LoggerInterface by using the inject() method
    ->viaSetter('setLogger', LoggerInterface::class)

class Awesome
    public function __inject(FooBar $fooBar)
        $this->fooBar = $fooBar;

class AwesomeParent
    use AnnotationInjection;
    #[Inject] protected FooService $service;
    public function __construct(FooBarInterface $fooBar)

class Awesome extends AwesomeParent
    public function getFooBar()
        return $this->fooBar;

$container = new Container();

// Create now your class where to start dependency injection
$myApplication = $container->get(MyApplication::class); 

$myApplication = $container->create(MyApplication::class, [$optional, $params], $optionalSharedOrNot);

 use function Vection\Component\DependencyInjection\resolve;
return [
    // configuration here

$container = new Container();


// Not recommended writing type
$instruction = resolve(My\Awesome\MegaClass::class);

 use function Vection\Component\DependencyInjection\resolve;
return [

        ->viaFactory(fn(Container $container) => new My\Awesome\MegaClass('example'))


$container->setAllowedNamespacePrefixes(['MyApplication', 'optionalOtherNamespaces']);

$thirdPartyObject = new ThirdPartyObject(5, 'primitive');

    $cacheProvider = new Vection\Component\Cache\Provider\RedisCacheProvider(...);
    $cache = new Vection\Component\Cache\Cache($cacheProvider);

    $container = new Container();