PHP code example of vcn / pipette

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vcn/pipette library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vcn / pipette example snippets

use Vcn\Pipette\Json;

try {
    $parseInt = function (Json\Value $json) {
        return $json->int();

    $parseColor = function (Json\Value $json) use ($parseInt) {
        $name     = $json->field('name')->string();
        $category = $json->field('category')->string();
        $type     = $json->¿field('type')->¿string();
        $codeRgba = $json->field('code')->field('rgba')->arrayMap($parseInt);
        $codeHex  = $json->field('code')->field('hex')->string();

        return [$name, $category, $type, $codeRgba, $codeHex];

    $source = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/colors.json');

    $colors = Json::parse($source)->field('colors')->arrayMap($parseColor);

    print_r(['colors' => $colors]);
} catch (Json\Exception\CantDecode | Json\Exception\AssertionFailed $e) {

use Vcn\Pipette\Json;

$input = <<<JSON
  "id": 672,
  "name": "Jane Doe"

try {
    $json = Json::parse($input);
} catch (Json\Exception\CantDecode $e) {

use Vcn\Pipette\Json;

$input = <<<JSON
  "a": [1,2,3],
  "b": [4,5,6]

try {
    $json = Json::parse($input);

    $a = $json->field('a'); // Assert this is an object, assert the field 'a' is present, then retrieve it.
    $b = $json->field('b');

    $as = $a->arrayMap( // Assert the 'a' field is an array.
        function (Json\Value $value) {
            return $value->int(); // Assert each value in that array is a number and return those numbers as an array of ints.
    $bs = $b->arrayMap(
        function (Json\Value $value) {
            return $value->int();

    print_r(array_sum(array_merge($as, $bs))); // 21

} catch (Json\Exception\CantDecode | Json\Exception\AssertionFailed $e) {

use Vcn\Pipette\Json;

$input = <<<JSON
  "a": "some string"

try {
    $json = Json::parse($input);

    // Expect $ to be an object, expect field $.a to be present and expect it to be a string or null:
    $foo = $json->field('a')->¿string();

    // Expect $ to be an object, if $.a is not present return null, otherwise expect field $.a to be a string or null:
    $bar = $json->¿field('a')->¿string();

    print_r([$foo, $bar]);

    // $.a is present but $.a is not an object, therefore this fails:
    $baz = $json->¿field('a')->¿field('b')->¿string();

} catch (Json\Exception\CantDecode | Json\Exception\AssertionFailed $e) {

use Vcn\Pipette\Json;

$inputA = <<<JSON
  "a": "some string"
$inputB = <<<JSON
  "b": 42

try {
    foreach ([$inputA, $inputB] as $input) {
        $json = Json::parse($input);

        // With the first input this parser will match its first composite,
        // with the second input the first composite parser fails and falls back to the second.
        // In practice you will either coerce these different types or construct members of a sealed trait.
        $foo = $json->either(
            function (Json\Value $json) {
                return $json->field('a')->string();
            function (Json\Value $json) {
                return $json->field('b')->int();

} catch (Json\Exception\CantDecode | Json\Exception\AssertionFailed $e) {

namespace Vcn\Pipette\Examples;

use JsonSchema\Validator;
use Vcn\Pipette\Json;
use Vcn\Pipette\Json\Validators\JsonSchemaRepository;

// Define a dependency.
// This looks for schema files inside the current directory.
// See the json-schema library to tailor this behaviour.
$validator = new Validator();
$baseUri   = "file://" . __DIR__;
$schemas   = new JsonSchemaRepository($validator, $baseUri);

try {
    // Somewhere that has access to this dependency.
    $parseInt = function (Json\Value $json) {
        return $json->int();

    $parseColor = function (Json\Value $json) use ($parseInt) {
        $name     = $json->field('name')->string();
        $category = $json->field('category')->string();
        $type     = $json->¿field('type')->¿string();
        $codeRgba = $json->field('code')->field('rgba')->arrayMap($parseInt);
        $codeHex  = $json->field('code')->field('hex')->string();

        return [$name, $category, $type, $codeRgba, $codeHex];

    $input  = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/colors.json');
    $json   = $schemas->get('/colors.schema.json')->parse($input); // Use the colors.schema.json schema to first validate the JSON before returning.
    $colors = $json->apply($parseColor);


} catch (Json\Exception\CantDecode | Json\Exception\AssertionFailed $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";

use Vcn\Pipette\Json;

try {
    $data = (object)[
        'foo'       => 'bar',
        'baz'       => 123,
        'seventeen' => (object)[

    // The object casts are necessary since json_decode produces an stdClass for JSON objects.
    $json = Json::pretend($data);

    $bar = $json->field('foo')->string();

} catch (Json\Exception\AssertionFailed $e) {

# default (using pcov)
php vendor/bin/phpspec run

# xdebug coverage
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage php vendor/bin/phpspec run

# no code coverage
php vendor/bin/phpspec run -c phpspec-nocc.yml