PHP code example of vanilla / garden-cli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vanilla/garden-cli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vanilla / garden-cli example snippets

// All of the command line classes are in the Garden\Cli namespace.
use Garden\Cli\Cli;

// Require composer's autoloader.
, 'Connect to host.', true)
    ->opt('port:P', 'Port number to use.', false, 'integer')
    ->opt('user:u', 'User for login if not current user.', true)
    ->opt('password:p', 'Password to use when connecting to server.')
    ->opt('database:d', 'The name of the database to dump.', true);

// Parse and return cli args.
$args = $cli->parse($argv, true);

$args = $cli->parse($argv);

$host = $args->getOpt('host', ''); // get host with default
$user = $args->getOpt('user'); // get user
$database = $args['database']; // use the args like an array too
$port = $args->getOpt('port', 123); // get port with default 123

// Define a cli with commands.
$cli = Cli::create()
    // Define the first command: push.
    ->description('Push data to a remote server.')
    ->opt('force:f', 'Force an overwrite.', false, 'boolean')
    ->opt('set-upstream:u', 'Add a reference to the upstream repo.', false, 'boolean')
    // Define the second command: pull.
    ->description('Pull data from a remote server.')
    ->opt('commit', 'Perform the merge and commit the result.', false, 'boolean')
    // Set some global options.
    ->opt('verbose:v', 'Output verbose information.', false, 'integer')
    ->arg('repo', 'The repository to sync with.', true);

$args = $cli->parse($argv);

class App extends Garden\Cli\Application\CliApplication {
    protected function configureCli(): void {

        // Add methods with addMethod().
        $this->addMethod('SomeClassName', 'someMethod');
        $this->addMethod('SomeClassName', 'someOtherMethod', [CliApplication::OPT_SETTERS => false]);
        $this->addMethod('SomeOtherClassName', 'someMethod', [CliApplication::OPT_COMMAND => 'command-name']);

        // Add command classes with addCommandClass().
        $this->addCommandClass('ExampleCommand', 'run');

        // Add ad-hoc closures with addCallable().
        $this->addCallable('foo', function (int $count) { });

        // Wire up dependencies with addConstructor() or addFactory().
        $this->addFactory(\PDO::class, [\Garden\Cli\Utility\DbUtils::class, 'createMySQL']);

    protected function configureContainer(Container $container): void {

        // Configure the container here.

class App extends Garden\Cli\Application\CliApplication {
    protected function configureCli(): void {

        // This will make the database connection get created by the DbUtils::createMySQL() method with command line opts for the same.
        $this->addFactory(\PDO::class, [\Garden\Cli\Utility\DbUtils::class, 'createMySQL']);

        // This will wire up the constructor parameters for the the StreamLogger to the command line and set is as the logger for the app.

class App extends Garden\Cli\Application\CliApplication {
    protected function configureCli(): void {

        // Wire up your github client's API key to the command line.
        $this->addCall(GithubClient::class, 'setAPIKey', [\Garden\Cli\Application\CliApplication::OPT_PREFIX => 'git-']);

$app = new App();

$log = new TaskLogger();

$log->info('This is a message.');
$log->error('This is an error.'); // outputs in red

$log->beginInfo('Begin a task');
// code task code goes here...

$log->beginDebug('Make an API call');
$log->endHttpStatus(200); // treated as error or success depending on code

$log->begin(LogLevel::NOTICE, 'Multi-step task');
$log->info('Step 1');
$log->info('Step 2');
$log->beginDebug('Step 3');
$log->debug('Step 3.1'); // steps will be hidden because they are level 3
$log->debug('Step 3.2');

$fmt = new StreamLogger(STDOUT);

$fmt->setLineFormat('{level}: {time} {message}');


$fmt->setTimeFormat(function ($ts) {
    return number_format(time() - $ts).' seconds ago';

$log = new TaskLogger($fmt);