PHP code example of vanilla-thunder / oxid-module-cmsmenu

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vanilla-thunder/oxid-module-cmsmenu library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vanilla-thunder / oxid-module-cmsmenu example snippets

32|  [{foreach from=$ocat->getContentCats() item="oTopCont" name="MoreTopCms"}]
33|    [{block name="cmsmenu_dropdown"}] <!-- insert block opening tag before <li> -->
34|      <li class="nav-item">
35|        <a class="nav-link[{if $oContent->oxcontents__oxloadid->value === $oTopCont->oxcontents__oxloadid->value}] active[{/if}]" href="[{$oTopCont->getLink()}]">[{$oTopCont->oxcontents__oxtitle->value}]</a>
36|      </li>
37|    [{/block}]<!-- insert block closing tag after </li> -->
38|  [{/foreach}]

33|  [{foreach from=$ocat->getContentCats() item="oTopCont" name="MoreTopCms"}]
34|    [{block name="cmsmenu_dropdown"}] <!-- insert block opening tag before <li> -->
35|      <li[{if $oContent->oxcontents__oxloadid->value === $oTopCont->oxcontents__oxloadid->value}] class="active"[{/if}]>
36|        <a href="[{$oTopCont->getLink()}]">[{$oTopCont->oxcontents__oxtitle->value}]</a>
37|      </li>
38|    [{/block}]<!-- insert block closing tag after </li> -->
39|  [{/foreach}]