PHP code example of valiant-bedrock / libcommand

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download valiant-bedrock/libcommand library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


valiant-bedrock / libcommand example snippets

$parameter = new \libcommand\parameter\types\RawTextParameter(name: "text", optional: true);

$overload = new libcommand\Overload(
    // An internal name used to track the overload
    name: "test",
    // A list of parameters
    parameters: []

class SimpleCommand extends libcommand\Command {
    public function __construct() {
            name: "simple",
            description: "Simple command description",
            usageMessage: "Usage: /simple <test_int> <test_raw>",
            aliases: ["s"],
            overloads: [
                new libcommand\Overload(name: "default", parameters: [
                    new \libcommand\IntParameter(name: "test_int", description: "Test integer parameter", optional: false),
                    new \libcommand\RawTextParameter(name: "test_raw", description: "Test raw text parameter", optional: true)
            // Permissions and their messages can also be specified using the `permission` and `permissionMessage` properties.
            // permission: "simple.command",
            // permissionMessage: "Ouch! You don't have permission to use SimpleCommand!"
    public function onExecute(\pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, string $overload, array $arguments) : bool|string {
        $int = $arguments["test_int"];
        $raw = $arguments["test_raw"] ?? "fallback raw text";
        // Returning a string will send the sender the returned message
        return "Simple command executed with $int and $raw";


class SimplePlugin extends \pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase {

    protected function onEnable(): void {
        // Registering `LibCommandBase` allows for client-sided rendering to be done
        libcommand\LibCommandBase::register(plugin: $this);
            fallbackPrefix: $this->getName(),
            command: new SimpleCommand()


    fallbackPrefix: "examples",
    command: new \libcommand\ClosureCommand(
        name: "add",
        onExecute: function (\pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, string $overload, array $arguments) : bool|string {
            // Null-coalescing operator is used to keep PHPStan happy, but won't actually occur
            $first = $arguments["first"] ?? throw new AssumptionFailedError("First argument is r(name: "first"),
                    new \libcommand\parameter\types\IntParameter(name: "second")
// `/add 1 2` will send a message with the following message: "Result of 1 + 2: 3"