PHP code example of ustadev / telegram

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ustadev/telegram library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ustadev / telegram example snippets

    $bot = new BotApi("$token");
    $update = new Update($bot->getWebhookUpdate());

     if ($update->isMessage()) {
        $message = $update->getMessage();
        $text = $message->isText() ? $message->getText() : '';
        $user = $message->getUser();
        $user_id = $user->getId();
        if ($text == '/start') {
            $bot->sendMessage($user_id, "Welcome");
        if ($text == '/video') {
            $bot->sendVideo($user_id, "vide url");
        if ($text == '/doc') {
           $bot->sendDocument($user_id, "doc url");
        if ($text == '/photo') {
            $bot->sendPhoto($user_id, "photo url");
        if ($update->getMessage()->isAudio()) {

$keyboard = new Keyboard();
$keyboard->addUrl('Url link','');
$keyboard->addSwtichInlineQueryCurrentChat('Query chat','query choosen chat');
$keyboard->addSwtichInlineQuery('Query','query text');
$keyboard->addWebApp('web app', '');
$keyboard->addRequestPoll('poll button');

if ($text == '/button') {
            'reply_markup' => $keyboard->init(),
            'parse_mode' => 'html',

$bot = new BotApi("$token");
$update = new Update($bot->getWebhookUpdate());

if ($update->isCallbackQuery()) {
    $callback = $update->getCallbackQuery();
    $user = $callback->getUser();
    $user_id = $user->getId();
    $data = $callback->getData();
    $keyboard = new Keyboard();
    $keyboard->addCallbackDataButton("Button title", "data_name");
    if ($data == 'data_name') {
            "<b>Your text</b>", 
                'reply_markup' => $keyboard->init(),
                'parse_mode' => 'html',

$bot = new BotApi("$token");
$update = new Update($bot->getWebhookUpdate());

if ($update->isInlineQuery()) {
    $inlineQuery = $update->getInlineQuery();
    $query = $inlineQuery->getQuery();
    $query_id = $inlineQuery->getId();

    $keyboard = new Keyboard();
    $keyboard->addCallbackDataButton("Your CallBack button", "data_name");

    $photoUrl = "";

    if($query == 'photo'){
         $response = new InlineQueryResult();
            "Rasmni yuborish",
                'description' => 'bu rasm chatga yuboriladi',
                'caption' => $query,

    if($query == 'text'){
          $response = new InlineQueryResult();
            "Xabarni yuborish",
                'description' => 'bu xabar chtga yuboriladi'

      if($query == 'document'){
         $response = new InlineQueryResult();
            "Yuborish doc",
                'caption' => $query

if ($update->isChannelPost()) {
    $post = $update->getChannelPost();
    $text = $post->isText() ? $post->getText() : '';
    $chat = $post->getSenderChat();
    $chat_id = $chat->getId();
    $title = $chat->getTitle();

    if ($text == "#help") {
            "salom <b>{$title}</b>",

if ($update->isEditedChannelPost()) {
    $post = $update->getEditedChannelPost();
    $text = $post->isText() ? $post->getText() : '';
    $chat = $post->getSenderChat();
    $chat_id = $chat->getId();
    $title = $chat->getTitle();

    if ($text == "#help123") {
            "salom <b>{$title}</b>",

use ustadev\telegram\proxy\Proxy;

$token = 'bot token';
$url = 'http://localhost:1212';
$proxy = new Proxy($url,$token);