PHP code example of usarise / turnstile

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download usarise/turnstile library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


usarise / turnstile example snippets


use Turnstile\Error\Code;
use Turnstile\Turnstile;

// Get real API keys at
$siteKey = '1x00000000000000000000AA'; // Always passes (Dummy Testing)
$secretKey = '1x0000000000000000000000000000000AA'; // Always passes (Dummy Testing)

if ($token = $_POST['cf-turnstile-response'] ?? null) {
    $turnstile = new Turnstile(
        client: new Psr18Client(),
        secretKey: $secretKey,

    $response = $turnstile->verify(
        $token, // The response provided by the Turnstile client-side render on your site.
        $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], // With usage CloudFlare: $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']

    if ($response->success) {
        echo 'Success!';
    } else {
        $errors = $response->errorCodes;


var_dump((string) $response);


var_dump($response->toArray(strict: true));

use Turnstile\Client\Client;
use Turnstile\Turnstile;

$turnstile = new Turnstile(
    client: new Client(...),
    secretKey: 'secret key',
    idempotencyKey: 'idempotency key',

$turnstile = new Turnstile(
    client: new Psr18Client(),
    secretKey: 'secret key',
    idempotencyKey: 'idempotency key',

use Turnstile\Client\Client;
use Turnstile\TurnstileInterface;

$client = new Client(
    client: ..., // implementation Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface
    requestFactory: ..., // implementation Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface (default: requestFactory = client)
    streamFactory: ..., // implementation Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface (default: streamFactory = requestFactory)
    siteVerifyUrl: TurnstileInterface::SITE_VERIFY_URL, // (default)

use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleHttpClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use Turnstile\Client\Client;

$client = new Client(
    new GuzzleHttpClient(),
    new HttpFactory(),

use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;
use Turnstile\Client\Client;

$client = new Client(
    new Psr18Client(),

use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;

$client = new Psr18Client();

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;
use Turnstile\Client\Client;

$client = new Client(
    new Psr18Client(
        responseFactory: new HttpFactory(),

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;

$client = new Psr18Client(
    responseFactory: new HttpFactory(),

use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;
use Turnstile\Client\Client;

$client = new Client(
    new Psr18Client(),

use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;

$client = new Psr18Client();

use Http\Client\Curl\Client as CurlClient;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Turnstile\Client\Client;

$psr17Factory = new Psr17Factory();

$client = new Client(
    client: new CurlClient(
        responseFactory: $psr17Factory,
        streamFactory: $psr17Factory,
    requestFactory: $psr17Factory,

use Http\Discovery\Psr18Client;
use Turnstile\Client\Client;

$client = new Client(
    new Psr18Client(),

use Http\Discovery\Psr18Client;

$client = new Psr18Client();

use Turnstile\Client\Client;
use Turnstile\Turnstile;

// Real API keys at
$secretKey = '1x0000000000000000000000000000000AA';

$turnstile = new Turnstile(
    client: $client,
    secretKey: $secretKey,

use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
use Turnstile\Client\Client;
use Turnstile\Turnstile;

$turnstile = new Turnstile(
    client: $client,
    secretKey: $secretKey, // The site’s secret key.
    idempotencyKey: (string) Uuid::uuid4(), // The UUID to be associated with the response.

$response = $turnstile->verify(
    $token, // The response that will be associated with the UUID (idempotencyKey)

if ($response->success) {
    // ...

$response = $turnstile->verify(
    $token, // The response associated with UUID (idempotencyKey)

if ($response->success) {
    // ...

$response = $turnstile->verify(
    token: $_POST['cf-turnstile-response'], // The response provided by the Turnstile client-side render on your site.

$response = $turnstile->verify(
    token: $_POST['cf-turnstile-response'], // The response provided by the Turnstile client-side render on your site.
    remoteIp: $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], // The visitor’s IP address.

$response = $turnstile->verify(
    token: $_POST['cf-turnstile-response'], // The response provided by the Turnstile client-side render on your site.
    remoteIp: $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'], // The visitor’s IP address.

$response = $turnstile->verify(
    challengeTimeout: 300, // Number of allowed seconds after the challenge was solved.
    expectedHostname: $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], // Expected hostname for which the challenge was served.
    expectedAction: 'login', // Expected customer widget identifier passed to the widget on the client side.
    expectedCdata: 'sessionid-123456789', // Expected customer data passed to the widget on the client side.








(string) $response


$response->toArray(strict: true)

use Turnstile\Error\{Code, Description};

        codes: $response->errorCodes,
        descriptions: Description::TEXTS, // Default
