PHP code example of unifreak / qlog

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download unifreak/qlog library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


unifreak / qlog example snippets

    "message" => "api call to",
    "context" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "params" => [
            "id" => 12345,
            "name" => "John",
    "level" => 200,
    "level_name" => "INFO",
    "channel" => "app",
    "datetime" => "2019:03:28 18:53:19.587777",
    "time" => "15 ms",
    "time_total" => "15 ms",
    "session" => "15a1c8220475f41990cc389ad5f6b495",
    "mem" => "3 MB",

    QLogger::CHANNEL_APP = 'app'; // Applicatoin
    QLogger::CHANNEL_SQL = 'sql'; // SQL
    QLogger::CHANNEL_API = 'api'; // Api call
    QLogger::CHANNEL_REQ = 'req'; // Request
    QLogger::CHANNEL_RESP = 'resp'; // Response

use Unifreak\QLog\QLogger;

$redis = new \Predis\Client(['host' => '', 'port' => 6379]);
$config = [
    'default_channel' => QLogger::CHANNEL_APP,
    'queue_name' => '',
    'size' => 3000,
    'log_to' => QLogger::LOG_REDIS,
$log = new QLogger($redis, $config);

$message = 'log message';
$context = ['some' => 'context'];

$log->info($message, $context);
$log->notice($message, $context);
$log->warn($message, $context);
$log->error($message, $context);
$log->critical($message, $context);
$log->alert($message, $context);
$log->emergency($message, $context);

$log->inApp()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: app
$log->inSql()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: sql
$log->inApi()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: api
$log->inReq()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: req
$log->inResp()->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: resp

$log->in('custom_channel')->info($message, $context); // Specify channel: custom_channel

$log->idBy('car_id', 123)->idBy('user_id', 321)->info($message, $context);

    'car_id' => 123,
    'user_id' => 321

$log->shift(); // get the first record
$log->pop(); // get the last record
$log->stashed(); // get all records
$log->stashed(function($record) { // filter for specific records
    // like: filter for records that have car_id and level greater than warning
    return !empty($record['car_id']) && $record['level'] > QLogger::WARN;
$log->clean(); // clear all records

use QLog;

QLog::in('my_channel')->idBy('car_id', 123)->warning('somthing went wrong');

return [
    // Disable QLog:
    // - If disabled, all log methods call will simply be ignored
    // - But if there is `qlog_debug` query parameter present, QLog will be auto-enabled
    'disable' => false,
    // redis connection config
    'redis' => [
        'host'     => $redisHost,
        'port'     => $redisPort
    // qlog config
    'queue_name' => '',
    'size' => 2000,

if (!class_exists('QLog')) {
    class_alias(Unifreak\QLog\QLogFacade::class, 'QLog');
