PHP code example of unificationengine / ue-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download unificationengine/ue-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


unificationengine / ue-php-sdk example snippets

use UnificationEngine\Models\UEApp;
$app = new UEApp("APP_KEY","APP_SECRET");

use UnificationEngine\Models\UEApp;
use UnificationEngine\Models\UEUser;

//Use our app
$app = new UEApp("APP_KEY","APP_SECRET");

//Creating a new user
$user = $app->create_user();

//Using existing user using key and secret
$user = new UEUser("USER_KEY","USER_SECRET");

//Using existing user using it's uri
$user = new UEUser("user://USER_KEY:USER_SECRET@");

$users = $app->list_users();

$user = $app->create_user();
$app->delete_user($user) //true

$connection = $user->add_connection("connection_name", "service", "service_access_token", $optional_params);
//connection is an instance of UEConnection

$connections = $user->list_connections()
// connections is an array of UEConnection objects

$user->remove_connection($connection_name) //true | false

//return true if working, false otherwise
$user->test_connection($service_url) //eg: facebook://[email protected]