PHP code example of unicodeveloper / laravel-cloudinary
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download unicodeveloper/laravel-cloudinary library. Choose the download type require. 2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php. 3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
unicodeveloper / laravel-cloudinary example snippets
* Using the Cloudinary Facade
// Upload an Image File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = Cloudinary::upload($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();
// Upload a Video File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = Cloudinary::uploadVideo($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();
// Upload any File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = Cloudinary::uploadFile($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();
* This package also exposes a helper function you can use if you are not a fan of Facades
* Shorter, expressive, fluent using the
* cloudinary() function
// Upload an Image File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = cloudinary()->upload($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();
// Upload a Video File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = cloudinary()->uploadVideo($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();
// Upload any File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = cloudinary()->uploadFile($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();
* You can also skip the Cloudinary Facade or helper method and laravel-ize your uploads by simply calling the
* storeOnCloudinary() method on the file itself
// Store the uploaded file in the "lambogini" directory on Cloudinary
$result = $request->file('image')->store('lambogini', 'cloudinary');
// Store the uploaded file on Cloudinary
$result = $request->file('file')->storeOnCloudinary();
// Store the uploaded file on Cloudinary
$result = $request->file->storeOnCloudinary();
// Store the uploaded file in the "lambogini" directory on Cloudinary
$result = $request->file->storeOnCloudinary('lambogini');
// Store the uploaded file in the "lambogini" directory on Cloudinary with the filename "prosper"
$result = $request->file->storeOnCloudinaryAs('lambogini', 'prosper');
$result->getPath(); // Get the url of the uploaded file; http
$result->getSecurePath(); // Get the url of the uploaded file; https
$result->getSize(); // Get the size of the uploaded file in bytes
$result->getReadableSize(); // Get the size of the uploaded file in bytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes. E.g 1.8 MB
$result->getFileType(); // Get the type of the uploaded file
$result->getFileName(); // Get the file name of the uploaded file
$result->getOriginalFileName(); // Get the file name of the file before it was uploaded to Cloudinary
$result->getPublicId(); // Get the public_id of the uploaded file
$result->getExtension(); // Get the extension of the uploaded file
$result->getWidth(); // Get the width of the uploaded file
$result->getHeight(); // Get the height of the uploaded file
$result->getTimeUploaded(); // Get the time the file was uploaded
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Unicodeveloper\Cloudinary\MediaAlly;
class Page extends Model
use MediaAlly;
* How to attach a file to a Model by model creation
$page = Page::create($this->request->input());
$page->attachMedia($file); // Example of $file is $request->file('file');
* How to attach an existing remote file to a Model by model creation
$page = Page::create($this->request->input());
$page->attachRemoteMedia($remoteFileUrl); // Example of $remoteFileUrl is*V1TmCz1GeAQ4T7EWRTWebA.jpeg
* How to attach a file to a Model by retreiving model records
$page = Page::find(2);
$page->attachMedia($file); // Example of $file is $request->file('file');
* How to attach a remote file to a Model by retreiving model records
$page = Page::find(2);
$page->attachRemoteMedia($remoteFileUrl); // Example of $remoteFileUrl is*V1TmCz1GeAQ4T7EWRTWebA.jpeg
* How to retrieve files that were attached to a Model
$filesBelongingToSecondPage = Page::find(2)->fetchAllMedia();
* How to retrieve the first file that was attached to a Model
$fileBelongingToSecondPage = Page::find(2)->fetchFirstMedia();
* How to retrieve the last file that was attached to a Model
$fileBelongingToSecondPage = Page::find(2)->fetchLastMedia();
* How to replace/update files attached to a Model
$page = Page::find(2);
$page->updateMedia($file); // Example of $file is $request->file('file');
* How to detach a file from a Model
$page = Page::find(2);
$page->detachMedia($file) // Example of $file is $request->file('file');
<x-cld-image public-id="prosper" width="300" height="300"></x-cld-image> // Blade Image Component for displaying images
<x-cld-video public-id="awesome"></x-cld-video> // Blade Video Component for displaying videos
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Cloudinary' => Unicodeveloper\Cloudinary\Facades\Cloudinary::class,
return [
| Cloudinary Configuration
| An HTTP or HTTPS URL to notify your application (a webhook) when the process of uploads, deletes, and any API
| that accepts notification_url has completed.
'notification_url' => env('CLOUDINARY_NOTIFICATION_URL'),
| Cloudinary Configuration
| Here you may configure your Cloudinary settings. Cloudinary is a cloud hosted
| media management service for all file uploads, storage, delivery and transformation needs.
'cloud_url' => env('CLOUDINARY_URL'),
* Upload Preset From Cloudinary Dashboard
'upload_preset' => env('CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET')
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Unicodeveloper\Cloudinary\CloudinaryServiceProvider" --tag="laravel-cloudinary-migration"
* Back up Files on Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:backup
* Delete a File on Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:delete
* Fetch a File from Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:fetch
* Rename a File from Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:rename
* Upload a File to Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:upload
* Generate an archive of a group of files and get the zipped downloadable url
php artisan cloudinary:archive
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Unicodeveloper\Cloudinary\CloudinaryServiceProvider" --tag="laravel-cloudinary-config"