PHP code example of umanit-pomm / cli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download umanit-pomm/cli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


umanit-pomm / cli example snippets

$ ./bin/pomm.php pomm:generate:schema-all -v pomm_test
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/AutoStructure/Pika.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/PikaModel.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/Pika.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/AutoStructure/TestUnique.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/TestUniqueModel.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/TestUnique.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/AutoStructure/Worker.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/WorkerModel.php'.
 ✓  Creating file './PommTest/PublicSchema/Worker.php'.

$ tree PommTest
└── PublicSchema
    ├── AutoStructure
    │   ├── Pika.php
    │   ├── TestUnique.php
    │   └── Worker.php
    ├── PikaModel.php
    ├── Pika.php
    ├── TestUniqueModel.php
    ├── TestUnique.php
    ├── WorkerModel.php
    └── Worker.php

2 directories, 9 files