1. Go to this page and download the library: Download uma/phpasn1 library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
uma / phpasn1 example snippets
use FG\ASN1\OID;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\Integer;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\Boolean;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\Enumerated;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\IA5String;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\ObjectIdentifier;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\PrintableString;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\Sequence;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\Set;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\NullObject;
$integer = new Integer(123456);
$boolean = new Boolean(true);
$enum = new Enumerated(1);
$ia5String = new IA5String('Hello world');
$asnNull = new NullObject();
$objectIdentifier1 = new ObjectIdentifier('');
$objectIdentifier2 = new ObjectIdentifier(OID::RSA_ENCRYPTION);
$printableString = new PrintableString('Foo bar');
$sequence = new Sequence($integer, $boolean, $enum, $ia5String);
$set = new Set($sequence, $asnNull, $objectIdentifier1, $objectIdentifier2, $printableString);
$myBinary = $sequence->getBinary();
$myBinary .= $set->getBinary();
echo base64_encode($myBinary);
use FG\ASN1\ASNObject;
$base64String = ...
$binaryData = base64_decode($base64String);
$asnObject = ASNObject::fromBinary($binaryData);
// do stuff
use FG\ASN1\TemplateParser;
// first define your template
$template = [
Identifier::SEQUENCE => [
Identifier::SET => [
Identifier::SEQUENCE => [
// if your binary data is not matching the template you provided this will throw an `\Exception`:
$parser = new TemplateParser();
$object = $parser->parseBinary($data, $template);
// there is also a convenience function if you parse binary data from base64:
$object = $parser->parseBase64($data, $template);
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