PHP code example of ultraware / php-saml

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ultraware/php-saml library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ultraware / php-saml example snippets

$auth = new \Ultraware\phpSaml\lib\Auth();

    // Identity Provider Data that we want connected with our SP.
    'idp' => array [


         * You can optional set a scoping. Scoping allows a service provider to specify a list of identity
         * providers in an authnRequest to a proxying identity provider. This is an indication to the
         * proxying identity provider, that the service will only deal with the identity providers specified.
        'scoping' => [
            // Specifies the number of proxying indirections permissible.
            'proxyCount' => 2,
            // The list of entityIDs for identity providers that are relevant for a service provider in an authnRequest.
            'idpList' => ['entityId'],
            // To allow an identity provider to identify the original requester
            'requesterId' => '',

