PHP code example of ugurgungezerler / appstore-connect-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ugurgungezerler/appstore-connect-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ugurgungezerler / appstore-connect-api example snippets

use MingYuanYun\AppStore\Client;

$config = [
    'iss' => 'xx-xx-xx-xx-xxx',
    'kid' => 'xx',
    'secret' => '/path/to/private.p8'

$client = new Client($config);

// get jwt auth token, expired after 20 minutes later
$token = $client->getToken();

// set request auth header
$headers = [
	'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,

// query devices
$queryParams = [
   'filter[platform]' => 'IOS',
   'filter[status]' => 'ENABLED',
   'filter[udid]' => '9be78daa0dbc12f3a95442caa164f36ab0b1ba47',
   'limit' => 1
$devices = $client->api('device')->all($queryParams);

// add device
$deviceName = 'test';
$platform = 'IOS';
$deviceUdid = '9be78daa0dbc12f3a95442caa164f36ab0b1ba47';
$result = $client->api('device')->register($deviceName, $platform, $deviceUdid);

// query bundleId
$params = [
   'fields[bundleIds]' => 'identifier',
   'filter[identifier]' => ''
$result = $client->api('bundleId')->all($params);

// register bundleId
$name = 'test';
$platform = 'IOS';
$bundleId = 'com.xx.test';
$result = $client->api('bundleId')->register($name, $platform, $bundleId);

// delete bundleId
$id = 'xx';
$result = $client->api('bundleId')->drop($id);

// query capabilities of the bundleId
$bid = 'xx';
$params = [
   'fields[bundleIdCapabilities]' => 'capabilityType'
$result = $client->api('bundleId')->query($bid);

// add capability for the bundleId
$bid = 'xx';
$capability = 'PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS';
$result = $client->api('bundleIdCapabilities')->enable($bid, $capability);

// query profile
$params = [
   'filter[id]' => 'xx',
   'fields[profiles]' => 'bundleId,createdDate,expirationDate,name,profileState,profileType,uuid,profileContent'
$result = $client->api('profiles')->query($params);

// create profile for the bundleId
$bId = 'xx';
$name = 'mdev3';
$profileType = 'IOS_APP_DEVELOPMENT';
$devices = [
    'xx1', 'xx2', 'xx3'
$certificates = [
$result = $client->api('profiles')->create($name, $bId, $profileType, $devices, $certificates);