PHP code example of ueberdosis / tiptap-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ueberdosis/tiptap-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ueberdosis / tiptap-php example snippets

(new \Tiptap\Editor)
    ->setContent('<p>Example Text</p>')

// Returns:
// ['type' => 'doc', 'content' => …]

(new \Tiptap\Editor)
    ->setContent('<p>Example Text</p>')

// Returns:
// {"type": "doc", "content": …}

(new \Tiptap\Editor)
        'type' => 'doc',
        'content' => [
                'type' => 'paragraph',
                'content' => [
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'text' => 'Example Text',

// Returns:
// <h1>Example Text</h1>

(new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        new \Tiptap\Extensions\StarterKit([
            'codeBlock' => false,
        new \Tiptap\Nodes\CodeBlockHighlight(),
->setContent('<pre><code>&lt;?php phpinfo()</code></pre>')

// Returns:
// <pre><code class="hljs php"><span class="hljs-meta">&lt;?php</span> phpinfo()</code></pre>

(new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        new \Tiptap\Extensions\StarterKit([
            'codeBlock' => false,
        new \Tiptap\Nodes\CodeBlockShiki(),
->setContent('<pre><code>&lt;?php phpinfo()</code></pre>')

(new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        new \Tiptap\Extensions\StarterKit([
            'codeBlock' => false,
        new \Tiptap\Nodes\CodeBlockShiki([
            'theme' => 'github-dark', // default: nord, see
            'defaultLanguage' => 'php', // default: html, see
            'guessLanguage' => true, // default: true, if the language isn’t passed, it tries to guess the language with highlight.php
->setContent('<pre><code>&lt;?php phpinfo()</code></pre>')

(new \Tiptap\Editor)

// Returns:
// "Heading
// Paragraph"

(new \Tiptap\Editor)
        'blockSeparator' => "\n",

// Returns:
// "Heading
// Paragraph"

(new \Tiptap\Editor)
    ->sanitize('<p>Example Text<script>alert("HACKED!")</script></p>');

// Returns:
// '<p>Example Text</p>'

$editor->descendants(function (&$node) {
    if ($node->type !== 'heading') {

    $node->attrs->level = 1;

new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'content' => '<p>Example Text</p>',
    'extensions' => [
        new \Tiptap\Extensions\StarterKit,

new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        new \Tiptap\Extensions\StarterKit,
        new \Tiptap\Marks\Link,

new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        // …
        new \Tiptap\Nodes\Heading([
            'levels' => [1, 2, 3],

new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        // …
        new \Tiptap\Nodes\Heading([
            'HTMLAttributes' => [
                'class' => 'my-custom-class',

new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        new Tiptap\Extensions\StarterKit([
            'codeBlock' => false,
            'heading' => [
                'HTMLAttributes' => [
                    'class' => 'my-custom-class',

class CustomBold extends \Tiptap\Marks\Bold
    public function renderHTML($mark)
        // Renders <b> instead of <strong>
        return ['b', 0]

new \Tiptap\Editor([
    'extensions' => [
        new Paragraph,
        new Text,
        new CustomBold,

use Tiptap\Core\Node;

class CustomNode extends Node
    public static $name = 'customNode';
    public static $priority = 100;

    public function addOptions()
        return [
            'HTMLAttributes' => [],

    public function parseHTML()
        return [
                'tag' => 'my-custom-tag[data-id]',
                'tag' => 'my-custom-tag',
                'getAttrs' => function ($DOMNode) {
                    return ! \Tiptap\Utils\InlineStyle::hasAttribute($DOMNode, [
                        'background-color' => '#000000',
                    ]) ? null : false;
                'style' => 'background-color',
                'getAttrs' => function ($value) {
                    return (bool) preg_match('/^(black)$/', $value) ? null : false;

    public function renderHTML($node)
        return ['my-custom-tag', ['class' => 'foobar'], 0]