PHP code example of ubnt / ucrm-plugin-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ubnt/ucrm-plugin-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ubnt / ucrm-plugin-sdk example snippets

// Get UCRM log manager.
$log = \Ubnt\UcrmPluginSdk\Service\PluginLogManager::create();

// Check if there is a user logged into UCRM and has permission to view invoices.
$security = \Ubnt\UcrmPluginSdk\Service\UcrmSecurity::create();
$user = $security->getUser();
if (
    ! $user
    || ! $user->hasViewPermission(\Ubnt\UcrmPluginSdk\Security\PermissionNames::BILLING_INVOICES)
) {
    if (! headers_sent()) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");

    $log->appendLog('Someone tried to access page only for admins with permission to view invoices.');

    die('You\'re not allowed to access this page.');

$log->appendLog('Starting invoice export.');

// Get export format from plugin's configuration.
$configManager = \Ubnt\UcrmPluginSdk\Service\PluginConfigManager::create();
$config = $configManager->loadConfig();
// the "exportFormat" key must be defined in plugin's manifest file, see the link above
$exportFormat = $config['exportFormat'];

// Get UCRM API manager.
$api = \Ubnt\UcrmPluginSdk\Service\UcrmApi::create();

// Load invoices from UCRM API ordered by created date in descending direction.
$invoices = $api->get(
        'order' => 'createdDate',
        'direction' => 'DESC',

foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
    // some export implementation, using the $exportFormat

// Get plugin's public URL from automatically generated UCRM options.
$optionsManager = \Ubnt\UcrmPluginSdk\Service\UcrmOptionsManager::create();
$pluginPublicUrl = $optionsManager->loadOptions()->pluginPublicUrl;

$log->appendLog(sprintf('Finished invoice export. Take a look at %s.', $pluginPublicUrl));