PHP code example of ubcent / gump

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ubcent/gump library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ubcent / gump example snippets

$is_valid = GUMP::is_valid($_POST, array(
	'username' => '_valid === true) {
	// continue
} else {

// Shorthand validation
is_valid(array $data, array $rules, array $custom_messages) 

// Get or set the validation rules
validation_rules(array $rules); 

// Get or set the filtering rules
filter_rules(array $rules); 

// Runs the filter and validation routines
run(array $data); 

// Strips and encodes unwanted characters
xss_clean(array $data); 

// Sanitizes data and converts strings to UTF-8 (if available), 
// optionally according to the provided field whitelist
sanitize(array $input, $whitelist = NULL); 

// Validates input data according to the provided ruleset (see example)
validate(array $input, array $ruleset); 

// Filters input data according to the provided filterset (see example)
filter(array $input, array $filterset); 

// Returns human readable error text in an array or string
get_readable_errors($convert_to_string = false, array $custom_error_messages); 

// Fetch an array of validation errors indexed by the field names

// Override field names with readable ones for errors
set_field_name($field, $readable_name);

# Note that filters and validators are separate rule sets and method calls. There is a good reason for this.


	'username'    => '=> ''noise_words'

$validated_data = $gump->run($_POST);

if($validated_data === false) {
	echo $gump->get_readable_errors(true);
} else {
	print_r($validated_data); // validation successful

$data = array(
	'street' => '6 Avondans Road'

$validated = GUMP::is_valid($data, array(
	'street' => 'field" field needs to be a valid street address',

if($validated === true) {
	echo "Valid Street Address!";
} else {

   Create a custom validation rule named "is_object".   
   The callback receives 3 arguments:
   The field to validate, the values being validated, and any parameters used in the validation rule.
   It should return a boolean value indicating whether the value is valid.
GUMP::add_validator("is_object", function($field, $input, $param = NULL) {
    return is_object($input[$field]);

   Create a custom filter named "upper".
   The callback function receives two arguments:
   The value to filter, and any parameters used in the filter rule. It should returned the filtered value.
GUMP::add_filter("upper", function($value, $params = NULL) {
    return strtoupper($value);

class MyClass extends GUMP
	public function filter_myfilter($value, $param = NULL)

	public function validate_myvalidator($field, $input, $param = NULL)

} // EOC

$validator = new MyClass();

$validated = $validator->validate($_POST, $rules);

$data = array(
	'str' => null

$rules = array(
	'str' => 'P::is_valid($data, $rules);

if($validated === true) {
	echo "Valid Street Address\n";
} else {

$gump->run($_POST, true);