PHP code example of tzsk / otp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tzsk/otp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tzsk / otp example snippets

use Tzsk\Otp\Facades\Otp;

$otp = Otp::generate($unique_secret);
// Returns - string

$valid = Otp::match($otp, $unique_secret);
// Returns - boolean

// Generate -

Otp::digits(8)->generate($unique_secret); // 8 Digits, Default expiry from config
Otp::expiry(30)->generate($unique_secret); // 30 min expiry, Default digits from config
Otp::digits(8)->expiry(30)->generate($unique_secret); // 8 digits, 30 min expiry

// The above generate method can be swaped with other generator methods. Ex -

// Match - (Different Runtime)

// The first example above
Otp::check($otp, $unique_secret); // -> false
Otp::digits(8)->check($otp, $unique_secret); // -> true

// The second example above
Otp::check($otp, $unique_secret); // -> false
Otp::expiry(30)->check($otp, $unique_secret); // -> true

// The third example above
Otp::check($otp, $unique_secret); // -> false
Otp::digits(8)->expiry(30)->check($otp, $unique_secret); // -> true

$otp = otp()->make($secret);
$otp = otp()->digits(8)->expiry(20)->make($secret);

 * Now you need to have a directory in your filesystem where the package can do it's magic.
 * Make sure you prevent access to this directory and files using apache or ngnix config.

// Let's assume the directory you have created is `./otp-tmp`
$manager = otp('./otp-tmp');

 * Default properties -
 * $digits -> 4
 * $expiry -> 10 min

$manager->digits(6); // To change the number of OTP digits
$manager->expiry(20); // To change the mins until expiry

$manager->generate($unique_secret); // Will return a string of OTP

$manager->match($otp, $unique_secret); // Will return true or false.


// And...

$manager->digits(...)->expiry(...)->match($otp, $unique_secret);
php artisan otp:publish