PHP code example of tylercd100 / php-rebooter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tylercd100/php-rebooter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tylercd100 / php-rebooter example snippets

use Tylercd100\Rebooter\Drivers\Api\Linode;
use Tylercd100\Rebooter\Drivers\Api\DigitalOcean; // DigitalOcean takes the same parameters as Linode
use Tylercd100\Rebooter\Drivers\Api\Vultr;        // Vultr takes the same parameters as Linode

$token = "secret";
$server_id = 1234;

$server = new Linode($token,$server_id);

# or $server->boot();
# or $server->shutdown();

use Tylercd100\Rebooter\Drivers\Ssh\Password;

$host = "";
$user = "your-username";
$pass = "your-secret-password";
$port = 22; // The port parameter is optional and will default to 22

$server = new Password($host,$user,$pass,$port);

# or $server->shutdown();
# or $server->boot(); // Will not work as you cannot boot a powered down maching using SSH