PHP code example of tyler36 / ldap

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tyler36/ldap library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tyler36 / ldap example snippets

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tyler36\Ldap\LdapServiceProvider"

  * Get the login username to be used by the controller. ['email']
  * @return string
public function username()
    return config('ldap.username');

 * Attempt to log the user into the application.
 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
 * @return mixed
protected function attemptLogin(Request $request)
    // This is where authentication happens. It SHOULD return an array containing the user
    $ldap     = new LdapAuthenticator($request);
    $ldapUser = $ldap->authenticate();
    if (!$ldapUser || 'array' !== gettype($ldapUser)) {
        return $ldapUser;

    // Un-comment the following to see details of the user array
    // dd($ldapUser)

    // Update or create a new user based on the username. The second array determines how to populate new users.
    $user   = User::updateOrCreate(
        [$this->username() => $request->get('username')],
            $this->username() => $request->get('username'),
            'name'            => optional($ldapUser)['displayname'][0],
            'email'           => optional($ldapUser)['mail'][0],


    public function rules()
        return config('ldap.rules');