PHP code example of tyhand / workflow-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tyhand/workflow-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tyhand / workflow-bundle example snippets

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new Tyhand\WorkflowBundle\TyHandWorkflowBundle()

use TyHand\WorkflowBundle\Workflow\Context\ContextInterface;

class MyEntity implements ContextInterface

use TyHand\WorkflowBundle\Workflow\AbstractWorkflowDefinition;
use TyHand\WorkflowBundle\Workflow\Builder\WorkflowflowBuilder;

class MyWorkflow extends AbstractWorkflowDefinition

// ...
class MyWorkflow extends AbstractWorkflowDefinition
    public function getName()
        return 'my_workflow';

    public function getContextClass()
        return 'AppBundle\MyEntity';

    // ...

class MyWorkflow extends AbstractWorkflowDefinition
    // ...

    public function build(WorkflowBuilder $builder)
        return $builder
            ->activeLimit(1) // The number of times a single context can be active in the workflow
            ->totalLimit(1) // The maximum number of times a single context can go through a workflow
            ->initial('state_a') // The initial state
            // States follow here
            // ...

public function build(WorkflowBuilder $builder)
    return $builder
        ->activeLimit(1) // The number of times a single context can be active in the workflow
        ->totalLimit(1) // The maximum number of times a single context can go through a workflow
        ->initial('state_a') // The initial state
            ->addEvent('move_state', 'state_b') // EVENT EXIT (when move_state workflow event is thrown, move to state b)
            ->startCondition() // CONDITIONAL EXIT
                ->conditionalFunction(function ($context) {
                    return 5 < $context->getBar();
                ->ifTrue('state_c1') // GOTO state_c1 if bar < 5
                ->ifFalse('state_c2') // GOTO state_c2 if bar >= 5
            ->addAction(function ($context) { // ACTION
            ->startCondition() // CONDITIONAL EXIT (with no ifFalse)
                ->conditionalFunction(function($context) {
                    return 10 === $context->getFoo();
            ->startCondition() // CONDITIONS called in order
                ->conditionalFunction(function($context) {
                    return 2 < $context->getBar();
            ->setTimeLimit(3600, 'state_d') // TIME LIMIT EXIT In 3600 second (1 hour) goto state d
            ->addAction(function ($context) { // ACTION
            ->addEvent('move_state', 'state_d') // EVENT EXIT goto d if workflow event move state is thrown
        ->startState('state_d') // terminal state

// ...
    ->addAction(function ($context) use ($eventDispatcher, $entityManager) {
            new MyObjectEvent($entityManager, $context)

    // Create a new instance at the initial state
    $instance = $this->get('tyhand_workflow.manager')->getWorkflow('my_workflow')->start($myEntity);

    // Persist and flush the new instance entity

        new \TyHand\WorkflowBundle\Event\WorkflowEvent($myEntity, 'my_workflow', 'my_event')