PHP code example of twithers / laravel-php-attributes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download twithers/laravel-php-attributes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


twithers / laravel-php-attributes example snippets

return [
     * Caching will make use of Laravel's built-in file caching. Using caching will be a massive performance benefit
     * as no directories and files need to be scanned for attributes and attribute usages
    'use_cache' => true,

     * By default this will scan your listed directories below for all attributes and then search for them.
     * If you want to avoid the initial search, you can list your attribute classes below:
     *     'App\Attributes\Foo',
     *     App\Attributes\Bar::class,
    'attributes' => [


     * By default this will scan all files inside your app folder for attributes.
     * If you want to limit the folders, you can adjust the namespace and the files:
     * 'App\Http\Controllers' => app_path('Http/Controllers')
    'directories' => [
        'App' => app_path(),


class SampleAttribute
    public string $name;
    public string $label;
    public function __construct(
        string $name,
        string $label
        $this->name = name;
        $this->label = label;

#[SampleAttribute(name: 'SampleClass', label: 'My Sample Class Label')]
class SampleClass
    #[SampleMethod(name: 'sampleMethod', label: 'My Sample Method Label')]
    public function sampleMethod(): bool
        return true;

$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(SampleClass::class);
$attributes = $reflectionClass->getAttributes(SampleMethod::class);
if (count($attributes)){
    $attribute = $attributes[0]->newInstance();
    dump($attribute->name); // "SampleClass"
    dump($attribute->label); // "My Sample Class Label"

$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(SampleClass::class);
$reflectionMethod = $reflectionClass->getMethod('sampleMethod');
$attributes = $reflectionMethod->getAttributes(SampleMethod::class);
if (count($attributes)){
    $attribute = $attributes[0]->newInstance();
    dump($attribute->name); // "Sample Method"
    dump($attribute->label); // "My Sample Method"

Attributes::findByClass(string $className): ?AttributeTarget
Attributes::findByClassMethod(string $className, string $methodName): ?AttributeTarget
Attributes::findByClassProperty(string $className, string $propertyName): ?AttributeTarget
Attributes::findTargetsWithAttribute(string $attributeName): AttributeTarget[]

$attributes = Attributes::findByClass(SampleClass::class)->allAttributes();
dump($attributes[0]->instance->name); // "SampleClass"
dump($attributes[0]->instance->label); // "My Sample Class Label"

$attributes = Attributes::findByClassMethod(SampleClass::class, 'sampleMethod')->allAttributes();
dump($attributes[0]->instance->name); // "Sample Method"
dump($attributes[0]->instance->label); // "My Sample Method"

AttributeTarget::allAttributes(): AttributeInstance[]
AttributeTarget::hasAttribute(string $attributeName): bool
AttributeTarget::findByName(string $attributeName): AttributeInstance[]

AttributeAccessor::forClass(string $className): ?AttributeInstance[]
AttributeAccessor::forClassMethod(string $className, string $methodName): ?AttributeInstance[]
AttributeAccessor::forClassProperty(string $className, string $propertyName): ?AttributeInstance[]
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TWithers\LaravelAttributes\AttributesServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan attributes:clear