PHP code example of twistor / stream-util

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download twistor/stream-util library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


twistor / stream-util example snippets

use Twistor\StreamUtil;

$stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w+b');

fwrite($stream, 'asdfasfdas');

$cloned = StreamUtil::copy($stream, false); // Passing in true (the default),
                                            // will close the input stream.

StreamUtil::getSize($stream); // 10

StreamUtil::isAppendable($stream); // false

StreamUtil::isReadable($stream); // true

StreamUtil::isSeekable($stream); // true

StreamUtil::isWritable($stream); // true

StreamUtil::tryRewind($stream);  // true

StreamUtil::trySeek($stream, 0, SEEK_END); // true

// Metadata helpers.
StreamUtil::getMetaDataKey($stream, 'blocked') // false

StreamUtil::getUri($stream); // php://temp

StreamUtil::getUsuableUri($stream); // Returns a URI that can be used
                                    // with fopen().
                                    // false in this case.

// Mode helpers.
StreamUtil::modeIsAppendable('w+'); // false

StreamUtil::modeIsAppendOnly('a+'); // false

StreamUtil::modeIsReadable('w+');   // true

StreamUtil::modeIsReadOnly('r');    // true

StreamUtil::modeIsWritable('r+');   // true

StreamUtil::modeIsWriteOnly('w');   // true