PHP code example of tuupola / slim-basic-auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tuupola/slim-basic-auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tuupola / slim-basic-auth example snippets

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "users" => [
        "root" => "t00r",
        "somebody" => "passw0rd"

$app = Zend\Expressive\AppFactory::create();

$app->pipe(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "users" => [
        "root" => "t00r",
        "user" => "passw0rd"

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "users" => [
        "root" => '$2y$10$1lwCIlqktFZwEBIppL4ak.I1AHxjoKy9stLnbedwVMrt92aGz82.O',
        "somebody" => '$2y$10$6/vGXuMUoRlJUeDN.bUWduge4GhQbgPkm6pfyGxwgEWT0vEkHKBUW'

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "users" => [
        "admin" => getenv("ADMIN_PASSWORD")

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "path" => "/admin",
    "realm" => "Protected",
    "users" => [
        "root" => "t00r",
        "somebody" => "passw0rd"
    "before" => function ($request, $arguments) {
        return $request->withAttribute("user", $arguments["user"]);

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "path" => "/admin",
    "realm" => "Protected",
    "users" => [
        "root" => "t00r",
        "somebody" => "passw0rd"
    "after" => function ($response, $arguments) {
        return $response->withHeader("X-Brawndo", "plants crave");

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "path" => "/admin",
    "secure" => true,
    "relaxed" => ["localhost", "headers"],
    "users" => [
        "root" => "t00r",
        "somebody" => "passw0rd"

use Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication\AuthenticatorInterface;
use Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication;

class RandomAuthenticator implements AuthenticatorInterface {
    public function __invoke(array $arguments): bool {
        return (bool)rand(0,1);

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "path" => "/admin",
    "realm" => "Protected",
    "authenticator" => new RandomAuthenticator

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "path" => "/admin",
    "realm" => "Protected",
    "authenticator" => function ($arguments) {
        return (bool)rand(0,1);

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "path" => "/api",
    "realm" => "Protected",
    "users" => [
        "root" => "t00r",
        "somebody" => "passw0rd"
    "error" => function ($response, $arguments) {
        $data = [];
        $data["status"] = "error";
        $data["message"] = $arguments["message"];

        $body = $response->getBody();
        $body->write(json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));

        return $response->withBody($body);

use Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication\PdoAuthenticator;

$pdo = new PDO("sqlite:/tmp/users.sqlite");
$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
    "path" => "/admin",
    "realm" => "Protected",
    "authenticator" => new PdoAuthenticator([
        "pdo" => $pdo