PHP code example of tuupola / ksuid
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tuupola/ksuid library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
tuupola / ksuid example snippets
use Tuupola\Ksuid;
$ksuid = new Ksuid;
print $ksuid; /* p6UEyCc8D8ecLijAI5zVwOTP3D0 */
print $ksuid->timestamp(); /* 94985761 */
print $ksuid->unixtime(); /* 1494985761 */
print bin2hex($ksuid->payload()); /* d7b6fe8cd7cff211704d8e7b9421210b */
$datetime = (new \DateTimeImmutable)
->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
print $datetime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); /* 2017-05-17 01:49:21 */
use Tuupola\KsuidFactory as Ksuid;
$ksuid = Ksuid::create();
$ksuid = Ksuid::fromString("0o5Fs0EELR0fUjHjbCnEtdUwQe3");
$binary = hex2bin("05a95e21d7b6fe8cd7cff211704d8e7b9421210b");
$ksuid = Ksuid::fromBytes($binary);
$ksuid = Ksuid::fromTimestamp(94985761);
$ksuid = Ksuid::fromUnixtime(1494985761);
$timestamp = 94985761;
$payload = hex2bin("d7b6fe8cd7cff211704d8e7b9421210b");
$ksuid = Ksuid::fromTimestampAndPayload($timestamp, $payload);